The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 11-14-2000

The quality of humility: Preparation for a divine assignment
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Farrakhan The Traveler by Jabril MuhammadThat thing that is right next to the impossible to do is the resurrection of the dead�the Black man and woman of America.

This task was divinely given to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was divinely asked to share it with his teacher.

The scriptures describe us as "the dead." Although most of these prophecies were primarily directed to us, others are also referred to as dead.

Why does He want us? He is using us as the foundation of the new world He is building. In order for God to empower another to do that which only He could do, He had to make that other one like Himself.

What kind of man would He choose, according to the scriptures, for such exalted work? (Why does He not just do it all Himself? Let�s look at the first question first.)

He certainly would not share Himself, for this kind of work, with a proud man. Why not? False pride drives out God�s spirit. False pride is diametrically opposed to His Being, word and work. He hates false pride and arrogance, which breeds "self-righteousness."

The work of preparing another, and later others, to raise the dead, and build God�s kingdom, involves the opening of His powers, as needed, to and for His servant(s) to be successful in His work. To take a falsely proud person, into His confidence and powers, would be for Him to work against Himself. This would embolden such persons to compete with and oppose God. He would be forced to later destroy such fools.

To choose such persons would waste time. Allah does not waste time. He is the Origin and Master of time. So He mercifully does not use the proud, in certain ways.

Moreover such people would hinder His blessing for others�even for themselves�were He to allow that. They would contaminate his teachings by their proud hearts. Instead He mercifully works to remove such quality from such ones. This is a blessing. Later He may add other blessings to them.

But, you may say, Allah has allowed many to do exactly that. True, but what are His whys to this problem? We�ll return to this point. Meanwhile, would not you rather be the wood than the sandpaper?

Since He is going to empower another to do that which only He can do, and even work through this other one�and his chief assistant�would not it be wise for Him to choose one(s) whose heart is already humble? It�s far easier to teach a humble person rather than a proud one. Master Fard Muhammad came to get a very humble man. He got him.

He knew before He entered the United States of America that He would have to come under disguise. This served more than one of His purposes. He knew that ultimately He would have to humbly make certain demonstrations of His wisdom, to His servant, containing key lessons that he might be successful. He had to show His servant, certain lessons, in addition to what He told him.

He knew that the proud would not understand what He would have to do, and experience, in order to accomplish what He came to fulfill.

To repeat, Master Fard Muhammad already knew "the science of everything in life." He did not start, nor has He continued His work from guesses.

His work involved the development and use of a prime servant. Later, He would produce a prime assistant to that servant. Still later, He would produce others�both male and female�as a support staff for the first two. Among the most necessary ingredients He required in His servants would be humility.

It�s written in Numbers (12:3) that Moses was the meekest of all the people who lived on the earth, at that critical time, for that phase of God�s work. Why wasn�t the word "humble" used to describe this quality of Moses, rather than "meek."

What does the English word "meek" mean in the Hebrew that the word "meek" translates? A translation gives the meaning of a word in this language from that language. A transliteration gives the sound, or the pronunciation, of a word in this language from that one.

The English word, "meek," comes from a Hebrew word, which is roughly transliterated "anav." It means: 1) poor, humble, afflicted, meek; 1a) poor, needy; 1b) poor and weak; 1c) poor, weak and afflicted; 1d) humble, lowly, meek.

This Hebrew word, in turn, is from another Hebrew word, which is roughly transliterated "anah."

Let�s pause a moment.

Let�s not be mentally lazy and use "defense mechanisms" or "deceptive intelligence" to refuse to use our fantastic brains and say: "I am not a scholar. So I don�t have to deal with these details." I�m no scholar either. But our love for our Big Brother should compel us to seek an ever deeper and clearer grasp of God�s words about him so that we may be of better service to him; the cause he embodies; our selves; our children and others.

But you may still say, "Well all of this study is not my thing." Yes it is. The effort required to grasp this will help us do our thing a little better. The level and quality of our communications with each other can improve. Our love level may rise.

An unused muscle becomes weak. So it is with our minds. So, let�s work our minds and see what comes up from this particular effort. Now, if we take our time and patiently read and then study this, in the right spirit, we will see something about why God chose Minister Farrakhan, to say and do as he does, AND YOU, TO HELP HIM IN THIS CRITICAL HOUR.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told many of us�me too�that the picture of Master Fard Muhammad, that you have on the wall of your house means: "STUDY."

This Hebrew word, here transliterated "anah," and translated by the English word "meek," is used in the Old Testament, 50 times to mean "afflict," 11 times to mean "humble," 5 times to mean "force," 2 times to mean "exercised," and 2 times to mean "sing," once to mean "troubled," once to mean "weakened." (I used a program called "On Line Bible" to come up with these numbers. Its name is not related to the Net.)

This word "anah" has primary and subordinate meanings. I�m using colons, semi-colons and commas to help the reader see the relationship between different aspects of the meanings of this word.

It means: to afflict, oppress, humble, be afflicted, be bowed down; to be put down, become low; to be depressed, be downcast; to be afflicted; to stoop.

Next, it means: to humble oneself, bow down; to be afflicted, be humbled. Then it means: to humble, mishandle, afflict; to humble, be humiliated; to afflict; to humble, weaken oneself. Then it means: to be afflicted to be humbled. Then it means: to afflict to humble oneself to be afflicted.

This all bears on Minister Farrakhan�s humility. The higher he rises the humbler he becomes. This study also bears on his assignment, which is fulfilling for our benefit and that of others.

Now, all of this is profoundly related to aspects of the ingredients of the roots of the humility of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan, their preparation and the humility and preparation of the Believers, who come behind them.

Again, why in the 3rd verse of the 12th chapter, of the fifth book of the part of the Bible, titled "Numbers," in the King James Version, is the English word, "meek" used, rather than the word "humble" with reference to a quality that Moses had to a greater degree than anybody else on earth? Keep this in your minds as we plumb this with reference to Minister Farrakhan�s "death-bed" confession.

According to what I have read, thus far, there is seemingly a paradoxical relation in the meanings of the Hebrew words (translated by the word "meek") and another Hebrew word that is intimately linked to them.

That other word is transliterated by the word: �anah, and is pronounced "aw-naw�. and in the Torah (Old Testament) it is used to mean: answer 242 times, hear 42 times, testify 12 times , speak 8 times, sing 4 times, bear 3 times, cry 2 times, witness 2 times, give one time, There are also lesser uses for it.

According to Strong�s Concordance it means: "1) to answer, respond, testify, speak, shout; 1a); 1a1) to answer, respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond as a witness; 1b); 1b1) to make answer; 1b2) to be answered, receive answer; 2) to sing, utter tunefully; 3) to dwell."

The nearer to the impossible a thing is to do, the closer you must be to God in your natural make up. This calls for a greater preponderance of certain divine qualities to do the next to the impossible. Minister Farrakhan and his teacher are servants of Allah, born with those strengths to handle the greatest assignment human beings were ever given.

If you are with them, a part of this assignment is on you. You too were born with what it takes to do your part in this divine work. This study helps us understand certain words said to Minister Farrakhan, by his teacher, and their fulfillment today, in the Minister�s humility and the honored position to which he is rising�AND TO OUR DUTY TO SELF, EACH OTHER AND OTHERS IN LOVE.

Now, to his "death-bed confession."

More next issue, Allah willing.



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