years ago, on Nov. 15, 1977, in Chicago, Ill., at The Institute of
Positive Education, under the leadership of Brother Haki Madhubuti,
the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan announced that he was going to
lift the name of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and, on the same
foundation left by his teacher, he was going to rebuild the Lost-Found
Nation of Islam in the West.
He made clear that he would do what he intended, in the name of and
with the help and guidance of Allah, Who came in the person of Master
Fard Muhammad.
He repeated this announcement again the next morning at Rutgers
University. There was quite a response. Many were overjoyed. Others were
Twenty-two years have now passed. And, although he has not completed
all of what was divinely assigned to him to accomplish, he has succeeded
magnificently in what he has done. Furthermore, since he is fulfilling
that which was divinely written of him, there ought to be no doubt that
he will fulfill the rest of that which he was assigned to accomplish.
Surah 87 is titled: The Most High. In the translation by
Muhammad Ali it reads, in the first two verses, the following:
"Glorify the name of thy Lord, the Most High! Who creates, then
makes complete, and Who guides� ."
His footnotes are very beautiful and stimulating. They are worthy of
careful study. Part of his footnote, number 2714, to the passage quoted
above reads: "There is here in fact a message of great importance,
not only for the Prophet, that he would be raised to the highest place
to which man can rise, but for every man that, through the glorification
of God, he can rise to the highest place to which he is capable of
What is the highest place to which man and woman can rise? What does
to glorify mean? In the gospel of John, in the book of Romans, and
elsewhere, in The New Testament, there is a Greek word translated
into English to mean, "glorify." One of this word�s basic
meanings is: "to cause the dignity and worth of some person or
thing to become manifest and acknowledged."
We read very often, in The New Testament, about Jesus glorifying his
Father or of the believers doing the same.
Later in this verse Mr. Ali wrote, in part that it is only when:
"� man is in a state of prostration and assumes the humblest
position of which he is capable � humbling himself to his utmost
before God that he can rise to the highest place." The
"highest place" here can only refer to that state, that
position in Allah�s universal order of things which is best fitting
for this or that person.
The humbler we are, before the Divine Supreme Being, the closer we
grow towards Him. The closer we grow towards Him, the higher we are
rising or can rise into the possession of the best qualities of which
our nature is composed.
False pride is at the root of such baneful qualities as jealousy and
envy. We cannot reach that place and position Allah deems best for us
with wicked weight of jealousy and envy. These evils stunt the
development of the best qualities of our natural self.
The root and the fruit that these evil emotions (and/or mind-sets)
produce, have no permanent place in the universal order of Allah�s
creation. Then, how did these evils get started in His creation? Why did
He permit it? Of course, this is part of the larger question of how
could evil arise in the presence of the Almighty and Good God, Allah.
This question has finally been answered, thanks to Allah, in His
coming and raising both the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Min.
Farrakhan. (Some may ask why mention Minister Farrakhan in this context.
I�m eager to explain this by the help of Allah.)
Serious students of the word of Allah agree too, that jealousy and
envy were not in the origination of life and the universe. If people
once lived life in such a way that jealousy and envy did not arise among
them, why was this the case?
If it is true that Allah is now in process of uprooting these evils,
in His work of the re-creation of life and the universe�and He is�then
how did these evils originate? And, how are they to be uprooted and
destroyed permanently now that we are in the time of the re-creation of
all life and the whole of the universe?
Mr. Ali makes clear in note 2715, of his translation, of Surah 87,
that these four acts of Allah�namely creation, completion, measuring
and guiding�are actually four laws by which He governs everything�including
each one of us. These laws or energies or forces emanate from His
exercise of characteristics of qualities which compose His nature.
Scientists have proven that our thoughts, our ideas, are composed of
atoms. So they are things. Therefore, they can be weighed and measured.
They can be analyzed so that we may be able to understand their
components; their ingredients; their parts; their function; their
inherent power; their impact; their life span; etc.
As evidence that our thoughts are physical as well as spiritual,
consider an article, which appeared in "The Arizona
Republic" (October 27, 1999). It carried these opening words,
from "The Kansas City Star," about a recent study on
the power of prayer. It began:
"More than faith, it may be fact: Ill patients fare better when
people pray for them, even when they�re unaware that they�re the
subject of prayers, and even when they don�t know the people doing the
"So says a study conducted by researchers at Kansas City�s
Mid-America Heart Institute at Saint Luke�s Hospital and published
Monday in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The study, one of
the largest of its kind, offers the most compelling evidence yet linking
improved health to what is known as off-site or �remote intercessory
prayer.� "
Atoms are made up of particles called protons, neutrons and electrons
and there are smaller parts too. The protons and the electrons are
charged and called positive and negative. What does charged mean? In
what way are they positive and negative? How are the answers to these
questions related to the ultimate Source of the overall power that holds
the atom together, which is called the electro-magnetic force?
This world�s best thinkers cannot answer these questions. Can these
questions be answered through a better understanding of the Creator of
all atoms, Who is Allah, by His permission? Such understanding would
take us deep into the inner nature of the constitution of His nature and
into the secrets of how He exercises power over His creation.
It is written that He will gradually share this wisdom, and its
power, with those who love Him and for the best of reasons at the end of
the world.
Our thoughts or ideas, in their rudimentary form, are like the
simplest atom�hydrogen. Although extremely tiny and that which cannot
be seen with the unaided eye, they, nevertheless, exist as both physical
as well as spiritual realities. So it is with our thoughts.
As we�ll see, this is relevant to understanding jealousy and envy.
It�s also relevant to the righteous power in the call of Min.
Farrakhan that produced The Million Man March.
Again, Mr. Ali points out in the note 2715, that "everything in
creation is held under control" and is created or "made
according to a measure and its progress lies along a certain line; and
that it is God Who guides it or makes it walk along that line."
What is the primary way that He provides us with the knowledge of our
destinies and His guidance?
Let�s go to another translator of the Holy Qur�an. Mr. S. Abul A�La
Maududi translation�s reads: "(O Prophet,) glorify the name of
your Lord, the Highest, Who created and proportioned, Who set a destiny
and showed the way� ." (I intend, at another time, to comment on
Mr. Maududi�s use of the parenthesis at the opening of this passage.)
What better blessing could we possibly have, today, than to be given
the proof, of who we really are, and to be given the proof, of the
glorious place Allah desires for us�as given in the teachings from the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad through Min. Farrakhan?
Allah set our destinies and has showed the way to the fulfillment of
it. If you cannot see this, for your own life, in the life of the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad, you can certainly see this�how the laws
work�in the life of Min. Farrakhan.
As we look more deeply into this subject, let us ponder: We cannot
fulfill our destiny�which necessarily involves closing all gaps
between Min. Farrakhan and ourselves�except to the extent that we
understand jealousy and envy and destroy them, root and all, from within
In a footnote number 3 Mr. Maududi commented on the words of Allah:
"Set a destiny." He wrote: "Set a destiny" [my note:
Allah] determined beforehand what would be the function of a certain
thing in the world, and for that purpose what would be its size, its
form and shape, its qualities, its place of location, and what
opportunities and means should be provided for its survival, existence
and functioning, when it should come into being, and when and how it
should cease to be after completing its parts of the work. Such a scheme
for a thing is its �destiny� (taqdir).
"And this destiny Allah has set for everything in the universe
and for the entire universe as a whole. This means that the creation has
not come about without a pre-conceived plan, haphazardly, but for it the
Creator had a full plan before Him, and everything is happening
according to that plan."
This, of course, includes Min. Farrakhan�and all of us too.
More next issue, Allah willing.