years after the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan received his vision
plus experience�1989�he came to see that he had yet to hold that
press conference which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wanted him to hold
in Washington, D.C.
This realization was stimulated by at least four events, which over a
four month period in 1989, crystallized for him that he must go to
Washington to hold that press conference.
The first two of these events were the death of Congressman Mickey
Leland (of Texas). That occurred in the summer of 1989. The other
involved the traumatic events at Tiananmen Square in China.
Minister Farrakhan was in Phoenix during these two events. He was
youthful in his demeanor and in excellent spirits. However, both of
these events were to have a tremendous impact on him. He even seemed to
have aged as he wrestled with their meanings.
He told me he knew both had something to do with him and us. The
latter event, he said, had more to do with our people�especially Black
youth�and yet in some way with him. But, at that time, he did not know
Out of his growing understanding came his powerful Stop The
Killing series of speeches. We must go back and re-study them and do
so in context and in the light of relevant events since then.
After his return to Chicago came the third event. This would take him
further into a growing, or heightened, awareness that something was
going on that was very big, in the biggest sense of that word. It began
with a phone call from Minister Don Muhammad of Boston.
Minister Don informed him of a gang problem in which his help was
sought. He told Minister Farrakhan that the gang members were being
pressured to give up their weapons. They said they would, but only if
Minister Farrakhan would tell them to do so. This question disturbed
him. I�ll return to this later.
Meanwhile, his response was that he had not ordered them to pick them
up in the first place. However, he later gave them wise and righteous
advice, based on the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, whose
policies are known the world over.
In September, came the fourth event which would lead to that event,
which would fulfill a major part of what he was ordered to do by the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad. It was to hold that press conference in which
he made The Announcement.
A Sister telephoned him to congratulate him on his anniversary. He
thought her congratulations referred to the 35th anniversary of his
marriage to his wife, Mother Khadijah, which was earlier that month on
the 12th. In the course of the conversation he came to see that she had
the anniversary of "his vision-plus" in mind.
The call caused him to reflect, more deeply than ever, over his
vision plus and on the course of events since that time. Not long after
he hung up the phone it all crystallized for him. Allah illuminated his
mind on the relevance of these events for him and for us.
Minister Farrakhan decided to hold a press conference in the next
month, on the day following the Saviours Day conference in October 1989.
He returned to Phoenix. Part of his preparation for this momentous event
involved the preparation of his press statement. Minister Farrakhan
decided to dictate the entire text, in my home, on the Friday prior to
the Tuesday when he would deliver it at the press conference. Sister
Marguerite X McCray�now Muhammad�did the typing.
About an hour after the text was typed and proofed, he and I headed
for the airport to catch a plane for the East Coast. We went to New York
On the next afternoon, as we neared the Capitol, through a circuitous
route, these words from his vision came forcibly to my mind: "With
great speed it brought me back to earth and dropped me off near
Washington where I then proceeded into this city to make The
I then thought back to the trip we had made a little better than
three years earlier the day before he made his statement to the press on
February 4, 1986. We had also landed at that time just outside of the
Capitol due to the denseness of the fog. I thought to myself, "That
experience pointed to this one. This Saviours Day is a cover for this
press conference."
I voiced this thought to Minister Farrakhan.
The fact was that we were about to go to a place (arranged for by
Minister Akbar Muhammad) nearby or close to Washington D.C. We were
about to land so to speak, just as he did in his vision plus near
I had a copy of the text of the statement he dictated to Sister
Marguerite just the day before. I was with him right up to the time he
delivered his statement before the media on that Tuesday.
I am a witness that he did not change one word of the text he
dictated, from the previous Friday, when he dictated it, to the
following Tuesday when he delivered it.
I emphasize this because of the profound correspondence between
something he dictated in his press statement and an event which many
people witnessed. It involved what many call UFOs.
Minister Farrakhan did not know how God would confirm his statement,
in the ordinary way we obtain information. However, in his prepared
statement to the press, Minister Farrakhan declared:
"Before you will be able to establish your mockery of me, if
that is what you wish to do, for what was revealed to me in the Wheel,
you will see these wheels."
The next day a little wheel appeared over the White House. It was
repeatedly televised, or it appeared on T.V., for three straight days.
It shook up a lot of people. There was no denying that plane.
UFO is the general term used to describe those planes by most. But
let�s think over this. Is this plane unknown to its pilot? NO!
In the last article (Vol. 19
No 1) I raised several questions among which were: Now, what is the
deeper relevance of his experience to each of us and to this world�s
destiny? Finally, what does all of this tell us about Minister
I�m introducing my answer with this: Minister Farrakhan�s
experience shows him and us to be precious�very valuable in Allah�s
sight. If you were not very significant in Allah�s sight, He would not
have made Minister Farrakhan (and his Teacher) into the powerful
servants as He did. Please, Read the 12th chapter of the book of
More next issue, Allah willing.