The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 04-23-2002
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

The Million Man March and the Eight Steps of Atonement-- Examining the Crystal Light Project
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"And We sent not before thee any but men, from the people of the towns, to whom We sent revelation. Have they not then traveled in the land and seen what was the end of those before them? And certainly the abode of the Hereafter is best for those who keep their duty. Do you not then understand?"
�Holy Qur�an, Surah 12, verse 109

The progression of this story on the inspiration that produced the publication of the news journal, Cultural Links, is recorded in the final story of our journal on pages 22 and 23 under the title of the "Crystal Light Project." We begin with the verse of Light, incorporated within the 24th Surah, entitled The Light, which is also one of the names given to the Holy Qur�an. For this reason, we see the picture of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad holding the Holy Qur�an with his image reflecting through the dome of Mosque Maryam surrounded by 24 windows of translucent light and a star with eight points containing in the center of the star the Arabic Name, Allah.

On April 14, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan referred to this Name of the Holy Qur�an entitled The Light as being the Guide and the Guidance from Allah that is contained in this Holy Book which in the main is being put behind the back of the present day world rulers. This verse of light is inscribed in Arabic Calligraphy around the center dome of Mosque Maryam in our Chicago Headquarters. All of the above holds great Wisdom that is yet to be explained more fully with the advancement of time.

During Minister Farrakhan�s Address at The Million Man March, he outlined Eight Principle Steps in the Atonement Process. Simply stated, they are as follows: 1. Point out the wrong. 2. Acknowledge the wrong. 3. Confess the Fault. 4. Repent. 5. Atone. 6. Forgive. 7. Reconcile and Restore. 8. Perfect Union with God. When these Eight Principle Steps are put into practice, it will bring about a Healing on our Planet and open up the Way to a Culture of World Peace based on genuine love and Forgiveness. These Eight Steps embrace the Sounding of the A-Tone of the New Cultural Revolution.

As the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan pointed out during this past Sunday�s Address at Mosque Maryam, the meaning and spirit of this New Cultural Revolution is to be brought about by the Word of God as Revealed in the Message of the Holy Qur�an, the last Revealed Divine Scripture to the world of mankind and to the whole of humanity leading up to the Final Judgment of this World and the Opening of the Door of the Hereafter.

The above Message is contained in the Crystal Light Project reported in the Cultural Links News Journal. I cannot over-emphasize the importance to all our readers to get your copy of this magazine as a Bearer of Witness to the Divine Light and the Spiritual Message being imparted to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in our Journey to God, for our safe passage across the river to the other side where we will proclaim that to God and to God, Alone, is the Power and the Glory, for being Divinely Guided in our Exodus Route back Home.

"Until, when the messengers despaired and (the people) thought they were told a lie, Our help came to them, and whom We pleased was delivered. And Our punishment is not averted from the guilty people." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 12, verse 110

To be continued.

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