The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 04-01-2002
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

Cultural Links publication,
"Story of a miracle within a miracle" - Part II

by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"That abode of the Hereafter, We assign it to those who have no desire to exalt themselves in the earth nor to make mischief. And the good end is for those who keep their duty."�Holy Qur�an, Surah 28, verse 83

Following the U.F.O. experience, as reported in the Cultural Links News Journal, first edition, I was blessed to see a dazzling and brilliant "moving object of intense Light, along with several other witnesses, which included the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in the small Mexican Village of Tepotzlan in late September, 2001. Within a month�s time after our Celebration of the October 16th, Day of Atonement, I became more sensitized to the use of crystals placed in my environment as instruments of healing. All of the energies of light pulsations and their meanings began to vibrate sound patterns of thoughts attuned to communicating higher and higher thought forms into new dimensional worlds.

The first persons to hear more of the details of this transformative vision like experience were a few Sisters in Phoenix, Arizona, that make up the sisterhood staff of the M.G.T. Class in that city. They had offered earlier on to help me bring this experience into reality. This help was offered before the concept of a magazine had materialized. But following those two experiences of viewing some of the Ships of Light and the Crystal connection, I was inspired to publish the Cultural Links News Journal calling upon their help. From this point of determination, we gathered in the home of Sister LaTanya, acting Captain of the class along with her staff, as I set the goals and the theme of the current issue and of those to come.

Brother Hamzah Muhammad, the son of Brother Joel Muhammad, former Minister of the Phoenix Mosque, was in attendance at the second meeting when the project was being discussed. He is a graphic artist and designer and I explained to him and his wife, Sister Annette Muhammad, a member of the staff, what I envisioned for the Logo of the Magazine. Through his own innate gifts as an Artist, he perceived and designed the exact image of what I was hoping to achieve. He produced the beautiful Crystal of Light Logo that we see on the front cover of the magazine. The Explanation of the Logo is given within the inside story incorporated with the Crystal Light Project inspired by my most recent experience that is linked to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Vision-like Experience of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan revealed in the Country of Mexico.

The next sequence of events brought about an unexpected merger into our production and artistic and designing staff, several persons from Mexico who joined us in our efforts to produce this publication in time for our Saviours� Day Event that took place jointly in the cities of Los Angeles, California and Chicago. This publication comes as a gift and an offering to Allah and to the Righteous the world over to embrace the expanding expression of God�s Universal Religion of Truth expressing the Principles of Universal Love and a world-wide Brotherhood of Peace.

Moving from stage to stage in this transformative vision, coming in the lateness of the Hour and the Day, we began doing the layout, primarily in Mexico with help from the United States and the staff in Phoenix. I was left with managing the whole operation with very little computer skills in receiving and laying out the text, and I had yet to resolve the business plan of how we were going to finance the first printing, manage distribution and place a marketing strategy in place. I wish to thank, foremost, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for his wonderful interview submitted on the purpose behind the Beethoven Concert and experiences he shared while on board the Great Mother�s Wheel, in addition to his most recent sighting, which is placed at the opening of our Journal. Profound thanks also goes to all of the journalists who submitted their outstanding articles and interviews in time for this first time ever publication produced from The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Educational Foundation.

Now as we were over the deadline for printing with only three weeks away from our Saviours� Day Convention in Los Angeles, tensions were mounting as to whether or not we would reach our goal. With several calls going back and forth with the Editor of the Final Call Newspaper, Brother James Muhammad and his Assistant, Sister Laweeda Muhammad and my son, Ishmael Muhammad all pitching in to helping me find a printer at that late notice, a call went out to Oakland, California to the home of Sister Leticia Muhammad and her husband, Brother Earl Muhammad for help. Through their great dedication to the cause of Islam, she checked every avenue of help from finances, to website computer experts, to printers, to the Officials of the Mosque in the bay area who could possibly help at this late date to pull off a Miracle. Her husband, Brother Earl "Jazeeq" Muhammad submitted the timely article on Music Dialogue with the Hip Hop Generation which also appears in our Magazine.

So many miracles make up the story behind the publication of Cultural Links that it would take a full story in our next issue to go further into the most unusual details that finally made it happen, by Allah�s Permission. I wish to publically thank Brother Erick Muhammad, on staff and Brother Hakim Muhammad, on staff and especially to Brother Harry Muhammad of City on Line whose exceptional support, besides opening up my website, registered name through his company�s service, but also financially supported the first publication with a generous donation of $3,000. Without his financial help, the Journal would have never been printed. A rousing and loving thanks to Bob, his son, Dennise and graphic artist, Ken at the Oakland Print Shop, who stepped in at the last minute to produce the first and second printings with the words, it has to be done; this work and what it represents is too important! We will do the best we can and that they did under the most straining circumstances.

Regardless to the printing flaws and some mis-arranged pages on the Al-Tai Story and Interview with Jose, and Lloydine Arguelles, and the Carlos Diaz Experience and the Ships of Light and Article by Mexican Journalist, Vivian Lerma, Allah blessed us to succeed against all odds by granting us the story of a Miracle within a Miracle in the production of Cultural Links as a Saviours� Day Gift.

"Whoever brings good, he will have better than it; and whoever brings evil, those who do evil will be requited only for what they did."�Holy Qur�an, Surah 28, verse 84

To be continued.

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