The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 02-05-2002
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

The human body and its crystalline matter
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"Surely your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, and He is established on the Throne of Power regulating the Affair. There is no intercessor except after His permission. This is Allah, your Lord, therefore serve Him. Will you not mind?" �Holy Qur�an, Surah 10, Verse 3

First of all I would like to thank those readers who have expressed their interest in my current series of articles on Crystals and the Divine Light Force. I was asked by a Sister living in Toronto, Canada, to describe my study methodology. I had written in my notebook several days prior to receiving her question my answer and explanation to the best of my ability. In my early morning rising after ablutions and prayer and an intense form of silent meditation accompanied by mild exercising, I begin to focus on the thoughts that come to me. Through the daily practice of reading the Holy Qur�an in portions called the 7 manzils, my inner thoughts become charged with electricity. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated that reading the Qur�an is like talking directly to God. I understand that to mean that it is Allah, Alone, who Teaches the Qur�an into the heart of the willing student without an intermediator. Talking and walking with Allah brings to Remembrance the Greatest Force.

My next step is to write down what comes to me in a notebook with the date and the specific number of chapters of the Holy Qur�an to be read each day. The next step that occurs is that I will be guided to the reading of certain sections or pages of one or more books as time will permit. Oft times someone will recommend a book for reading or actually give me a certain book which confirms the messages or thoughts I have already recorded intuitively. I am always so delighted and surprised when this happens that I always give All Praise to Allah for sending to me just the right answer to confirm His Divine Guidance. This is the general methodology I have adopted in my routine of everyday living. Thank you for the question.

I will now give you an example of how this system works. Since I began this series on crystals as the building blocks of our human bodies and its source originating in Allah as the Divine Light of the Universe, my thoughts have become more magnified beginning with the message that came to me on November 19 of last year guiding me to surround myself with Crystals. The first book I was guided to read from my small library of books was one entitled, "The Crystal Connection" by Randall N. Baer and Vicki V. Baer. This book was a gift given to me, autographed and signed by Brother Gregory and Sister LaResa on Aug. 23, 1996, six years ago. It contained exactly the information that I needed to confirm my present course of study.

To understand how this process works, we have but to reflect upon the special relationship between the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his Teacher, Master W. Fard Muhammad. After teaching him night and day over a period of three and a half to nearly 4 years, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was given a certain number of books to read at the Library of Congress, in Washington D.C., while on the run from his enemies during a period of 6 to 7 years. He was made as a perfect exemplar for us to study as Students being selected and guided to master our Assignment. This is all in our little Book of Lessons if we would but understand.

It is not abstract for us to think that crystals and water are not part of the thinking process. Fasting for a certain number of days and eating the right food, breathing the proper air and getting the right exercise is all part of purification and working the crystalline matter of our bodies in detoxing our blood and digestive tract and enhancing the memory cells of our D.N.A. Here is what these expert writers on the subject of crystals and their interaction with the human body have to say. "The whole human biological structure can be viewed as an aggregate of liquid crystals and much of the human body is made of such liquid crystals like cholesterol, these crystal structures receiving the radiations of nature peculiar to each crystal form � when these crystals are squeezed or pressured by electrical charges or excited by radiation of any form from an external force, they themselves begin to oscillate and begin to produce electro-magnetic radiomagnetic wave-fields from the nucleus of their atoms. The first radio sets were crystal oscillators and perhaps the human being will be the ultimate radio set when he can � excite his own molecular crystal structure through the induction of cosmic rays."

"Surely in the variation of the night and the day, and that which Allah has created in the heavens and the earth, there are signs for a people who keep their duty."�Holy Qur�an, Surah 10, Verse 6

To be continued.

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