The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 09-11-2001
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

From the portals of Shangri-La to the
entrance of Shamballah--the Al-Tai Republic revisited

by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"Praise be to Allah! Who revealed the Book to His servant, and allowed not therein any crookedness, Rightly directing, to give warning of severe punishment from Him and to give good news to the believers who do good that theirs is a goodly reward, Staying in it forever."
Holy Qur'an, Surah 18, verses 1-3



Where is this place of magical space, where the beauty of nature abounds?

Where Pine and Cedar, fir and birch trees scatter their abundant wealth

Through a shimmering landscape betwixt heaven and sky opening their doors to earth,

Where ancient cosmologies come to birth carried through lands and climes,

Through oral traditions recited from the stars embedded in the golden tapestry of time.

From polar caps, an entrance is made from star-maps remembered by the tribes,

Landing on crystal lakes and flowering fields surrounded by forests and hills.

Our Saviour walked these many lands measuring everything in His Mighty Hands;

From Arctic to Antarctic poles passing through Siberia\rquote s Northern climes,

To vast deserts of Mongolian shores, measuring lakes and mountains and islands galore; Swept by volcanic rock, sprinkled with vapor and howling winds. 

The pearl and heart-beat of Altai, recounts her exalted majesty and ascent;

Holding her secrets intact soar the indigenous wayfarers in her caravan tracts;

A wondrous place, an exotic fairy land, a virtual Paradise of rivers and bubbling springs,

Caressing sweeping valleys of carpeted floral stairs,

With raspberries and strawberries growing on the vines,

Where the nectar of pure honey drips from the wax of bees,

And pure rivers of milk where clean fattened cows abide, while riders on stallions appear,

Riding through plush meadows of liquid milk, honey and wine.

The Native Faces meander with those of Russian stock

All clans, families and tribes like children woven into the golden tapestry of time.


Having seen and experienced such natural beauty, I knew instinctively that we had entered an interdimensional portal connecting heaven and earth, described by traditional lore as both Shangri-La and Shamballah, the experience that  enters into the heart of a True Believer in their quest for God. This is a world untouched by artificial hands or disturbing thoughts, where there is no leader or guide, only God's Face dwells in this place of such perfect harmony, love and grace; where the seeds of true visions are sown and reaped with a gentle reply. Imagine 92,600 kilometers of land undefiled, without industrial wastes or contaminants, eating from the land what the land produces of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs, all natural wheat and grain products and natural unpolluted milk and dairy products made fresh daily while drinking fresh spring water gushing from the mountains and sparkling pebbled stone of various hues.

While I was preparing this second in the current series on my visit to Al-Tai-Himalaya, I received my first fax since returning home from Jose and Lloydine Arguelles containing a letter written to the Minister of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Al-Tai, Elizaveta Chankushevna Yalbakova, a wonderfully impressive woman of great musical talent and diplomatic prudence. This letter (copy) was sent to both Sister Rosalind Muhammad and myself, expressing our heartfelt thanks and gratitude for having been received by the selected Government Officials, which included the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Deputy Minister of Culture, The Vice-President and the staff of the National Art Museum, as well as by a host of other dignitaries, teachers and scientists who made our journey to this Sacred Land unforgettable and memorable. In keeping with the subject of this article, I wish to quote the closing sentence of their letter which reads as follows: "We are proud to say, "Shambhala exists in the hearts of the people of Altai!"  Let us endeavor to preserve and extend this knowledge to the whole planet while there is time!"


When we first met the Minister of Culture, it was during the opening ceremony in which we were received formally in the Native Al-Tai tradition in an outdoor area near the beautiful Katun River surrounded by forests and verdant hills. As we entered the sacred circle, she was the first to approach us dressed in a beautifully ornamented garment accompanied by a host of distinguished women and elders all clad in their national dress. We were offered the traditional fermented milk in a beautifully designed ceramic dish. This was followed by words of welcome with song and poetry by our host. We were then each given a traditional satin sash to tie around our waist which symbolizes the uniting and bonding of love and friendship between us.

I experienced a memory flashback to the Muslim Sister and Family we met in Siberia in 1998 during Minister Farrakhan's World Friendship Tour III, where we were also accompanied by the Grand Mufti of Siberia, whose picture appears in one of our colorful collection of Books on Siberia and the Al-Tai Region. These beautiful books were later presented to us as Gifts from the Culture Ministry prior to our departure. The total period of our stay in this wondrous region lasted 19 days. We have all been invited to return the next time, God Willing, to cross over the Al-Tai mountains into Mongolia. It was made very clear at the end of our journey that Al-Tai and Mongolia are one, by its similar people and in its culture, and mystical and spiritual concepts, interlocking visions and goals to achieve in the future. 

We learned much about our original people, through the Cosmology presented by the Shamans or Priests who keep the  chronological descent of their tribes, and the migratory roots of these original clans and tribes which is made up of Tatars, Cossacks, Huns, The Mongols of Ghengis Khan down to Kublai Khan exhibiting strong ancestral ties to various Turkish Tribes which dominated this entire region all the way westward to the Gilgit Pass, north of Pakistan into Afghanistan, to Hunza, the fabled Himalayan Shangri-La. This area  stretches all the way through Turkistan and  includes all of Central Asia to Sinkiang Provence in China. These various tribes spread out in all directions forming the great migratory movement east and west, north and south passing through the Bering Straits, in some instances traveled by many of our Native American ancestors  and making up many of the tribal peoples located in both Central and South America, including the Carib Indians of the West Indies and those of the South Pacific Islanders. Then we  sweep back across the Pacific to include Japan, China, Korea and Southeast Asia. This is a  rich land and a rich cultural inheritance revealing the secret of the Al-Tai we have never known.

To be continued

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