The Final Call Online Edition



WEB POSTED 04-30-2002


The Challenge of Leadership
In a time of world crisis

[Editor�s note: The following text is excerpted from a message delivered by Minister Louis Farrakhan to inmates at St. Catherine Adult Correction Center in Spanish Town, Jamaica, on March 24, 2002.]

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

My dear brothers, we have to ask ourselves the question, where is Jamaica in prophecy and what time are we living in in God�s time clock that the prophets foretold? And what does Allah�s (God�s) prophecy have to do with those who are locked down in prisons? And who are you, not in the sight of those who sent you here, not in the sight of those who judge you as unworthy, but who are you in the sight of your Creator?

When Jesus was among his disciples they asked him one day, "Master, when were you sick and we ministered not unto you? When were you naked and we gave you not clothing? When were you out of doors and we gave you not shelter? When were you imprisoned and we ministered not unto you?" And Jesus answered, saying, "Inasmuch as you have not done these things unto the least of these, my brethren, you have not done it also unto me." We have a habit of ministering unto those who don�t need it. We have a habit of honoring those in high places, but we have been trained to overlook the little man, the little woman, the homeless, the poor, the destitute, the children. We want to be in high places and sit in seats of honor. But Jesus said that if we didn�t minister unto the homeless, minister unto those who are hungry, minister unto those who are sick and imprisoned, then this would be the criteria for separation. Those that did not do this would not be a part of his kingdom. So it is my honor to be in St. Catherine�s. It is my honor to be with you. It is my honor to minister unto you. For in so doing, I�m placing myself on the right side of the Master.

Some of you may be blessed to know who you are and many of you may not know who you are. But because I have been blessed to know who you are, it is my great honor to serve you, and through you, to serve all those who are imprisoned on this island. This is only a temporary state of condition for you. By the grace of Allah (God), you will leave this place and you will become productive men for Jamaica and for the Black people all over the world.

The Bible says, "As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the ending." If we want to know what the ending is going to be like, let�s check out the beginning. The Master came from a place that the question was asked, "Can any good come out of Nazarath?" Can any good come out of this institution and the hardened criminals that are in institutions? I say that the best of men are locked down in here.

Why do you say that these are the best of men? Because they have manifested as the worst, and only those who go to the depth are qualified to ascend to the heights. And that is why Jesus had to descend into hell before he could ascend into heaven. So this is your descension. Now I want to present you with your ascension.

In the beginning, before there was light, there was darkness. And out of darkness Allah (God) created light. Before there was color there was blackness. And out of blackness, Allah (God) brought color. The Bible says, "From one blood came all men." The Qur�an says, "Allah created Adam out of black mud and fashioned him into shape." We cannot expect better from you until you expect better from yourselves, for "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

The education that we have received has made us to think not good of our Blackness. And some of us have been poisoned to think that we are the children of Ham, cursed Black, doomed to be huers of wood and drawers of water for other folk. I want to dispel that lie. You are, as we are taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Original People of the Earth! There was no man before you. You are the Father of Civilization. You are the builder and the architect of civilization. But the father has fallen asleep in the dust and has allowed (the) children to make a mess of the earth. So the earth cannot be put back into divine order until the natural father is awakened and resurrected from his state of mental, moral, spiritual, social, economic and political death.

Many of you young brothers who say that there is no life for you, that death is your way, the Bible says, "there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the ends thereof are the ways of death." You are dead. Not dead in the sense of physical death, but we are dead in the sense of spiritual death; dead in the sense of moral correctness. But Jesus was the first to be raised from the dead and he is the architect of the resurrection. I don�t believe that it is necessarily talking about somebody that�s in the grave. If that is so, so be it. But I believe that Jesus was talking about the resurrection of human beings who are buried under the satanic rule of this rule and this world�s life. And this is why Paul said, "Be ye not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Isn�t it interesting that the first five books of the Old Testament are called the first five books of Moses? And Moses was the great liberator. And that�s why we use to call the right Honorable Michael Manley, Joshua, because many felt that he was carrying on the liberating work of Moses. I�d like to take it a step further and maybe a step deeper.

Why would Moses come to a people in bondage and tell them, "In the beginning the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the waters. And God said, let there be light and there was light." What was Moses talking to an enslaved and locked down people about? He was telling them that anytime you are confined, anytime you are not free, you are in a state of being void. When you write a check, and if you make a mistake, you put a "void" on it. Meaning, it has no value. When a people are enslaved, they have been voided of their human value. When a people are locked down in prison, they are voided of their human value. And when you are growing in the womb of your mother, time does not begin for you at conception. Time begins for you when we come forth out of the darkness of the womb of our mothers into the light of the day to begin our journey of life. Likewise, the Black man has been voided because darkness was on the face of the deep. You cannot enslave a man who is in the light of knowledge. You can only enslave a human being when you deprive him of light.

There was a man in the Virginia House of Delegates who said, we have closed every avenue by which light can enter the mind of the slave. So it was the intention of the slave master that we would be perpetually in darkness. But the spirit of God moved on the waters and then Allah (God) said, let there be light. Waters here represent the masses of people who are enslaved in darkness and they have been made null and void. But when God�s spirit moves on the waters, as Moses was drawn out of the water, when Allah (God) is ready for you to come out of your condition, He raises somebody up from among the masses of the people and into that one He puts light or knowledge. And that light begins to separate the darkness from the light and one part is called day and the other is called night.

In the Book of Isaiah, it says, "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light." Upon them have the light shined. Whether you know it or not, Jamaica, you have always been a bearer of light. Whether you know it or not, Jamaica, you, from this island, started the rise of Black people all over the world when Jamaica produced the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, who was a light that came out of the waters when the spirit of Allah (God) moved on Jamaica. And Marcus Garvey came to North America and awakened us and he awakened Africa. And now in Ghana you will see the Black Star of Marcus Mosiah Garvey in the National Square and a part of the flag of Ghana and a part of the renaissance and the awakening of Osagyfo Kwame Nkrumah and George Padmore and L.R. James and all of them go back to Marcus Mosiah Garvey. Mr. Garvey started a movement that can never be reversed.

And from these islands of Grenada a mother bore a Black child. His name was Malcolm, a son of the Caribbean. Malcolm was locked down like you. Malcolm was a hustler. Malcolm was a drug dealer. Malcolm tried pimping. Malcolm tried armed robbery. In the eighth grade of school, his White teacher asked him, "what do you want to be when you grow up, Malcolm?" He said, "I want to be a lawyer." And the teacher said, "oh, Malcolm, if you became a lawyer, my people would never hire you and your own people would never have confidence in you. You will make a nice carpenter."

What was that intended for? You must never know the law so you can confront my lawlessness but you become a good carpenter so you can never threaten my rule over you. But Malcolm said to heck with that. I will go on out and be a criminal. And while he was in prison, the message of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad touched him. He went into the library, and he read every book of consequence in the library starting with the dictionary. And he came out of prison and I walked with him as he debated scholars from Harvard and Yale and beat them hands down because he who gives you the diameter of your knowledge, prescribes the circumference of your activity. So when your slave master educates you, he does not educate you to be a threat to him. You have to be able to think outside of the box that he has prepared for you.

But most of you didn�t get in the box at all. You left school. You were not attracted to education. You were attracted to the game and you played the game. They couldn�t control you with religion. Religion that Allah (God) revealed is to elevate man and woman to make us reflective of God. But religion as the slave master taught it was designed to make Black people more submissive to the rule of their colonial and slavemasters. They used the name of Jesus to shield their wicked intentions.

David, the prophet, was the forerunner of the Messiah. David�s father was Jessie and David�s son was Solomon. And Solomon said, "I am Black but comely, oh ye daughters of Jerusalem." Jesus said, "I am the seed of David, the root of Jessie, the bright and the morning star." They use to picture Jesus as a Caucasian. But as more enlightenment is coming up, they are darkening him up because his mother Mary was an Egyptian and Egypt is in Africa. He was a man of color. Why don�t you know this? Why did they hide the identity of Jesus? It was so you would not identify with him as a man of color and that through him you would know what is inside of you.

The scripture teaches, "How can you love God whom you have never seen and hate your brother whom you see every day." Why did you say that, Master? It�s because what you see in me, Jesus talking, is sitting in your brother. That�s why we talk about resurrection, because Jesus said the kingdom is within you. Well, where is it if we are lying, if we are cheating, if we are stealing, if we�re murdering, if we make babies and run away from our responsibility? How, then, is the kingdom in us when instead of producing heaven, we are producing hell?

If you really know the Master, you can�t be an angel of hell and a messenger of death and destruction. If you know the Master, you are a reflection of Him and you are a builder of heaven so that your prayer becomes a reality when you say, "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done." Where? "On earth as it is in heaven."

So, you beautiful Black men locked down, this place is like a womb. It�s a place of confinement but it is a place of gestation and growth. You must not serve time. You must let time serve you. This place of confinement must be your place of growth and development because when you and I were in the womb of our mother, we grew to the point where the womb could not hold us any longer and mama had to lay down and give us up. You can only grow if light is in here (the head). If light and knowledge is here and you submit to that light, that light will grow you. And when you burst forth out of this prison, it will be like you�re coming out of your mother�s womb. You can never go back there again. And when you leave here, you must never come back here again.

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