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BALTIMORE — In Baltimore, Muhammad Mosque No. 6 under the leadership of Student Minister Carlos Muhammad and Student Fruit of Islam (FOI) Captain Andrew Muhammad, in conjunction with several Christian churches and violence interrupter programs, have answered the call for unity.
Over the last few months, the mosque and churches including Kingdom Life Church, Morning Star Baptist Church, and Safe Streets have embedded themselves in communities in West Baltimore and spreading to East Baltimore sharing love and providing resources to residents. In addition, the mayor’s office of African American Male Engagement under the leadership of Dr. Andrey Bundley, former principal and central office administrator, collaborated with these organizations in providing resources, jobs, and support for families and youth ages 16- 24 at their Park Heights building.
Marvin McKenstry, pastor at Morning Star Baptist Church, has employed over 60 individuals since the start of the Monday community walks that men of the organizations have participated in. His passion for youth and community is evident in his relationship with them. Pastor McKenstry met Student Minister Carlos Muhammad and Student Captain Andrew Muhammad on April 27, 2015 during the Baltimore uprising in response to the death of Freddie Gray who died from injuries he sustained in police custody. They worked together to secure peace and unity during the uprising. Through their collaboration, their unity and friendship grew and continues to this day.
Since the death of Freddie Gray, Baltimore’s homicide rates have skyrocketed and annually hits over 300. The city currently has 285 homicides and is projected to hit 300 again. Since 2015, there have been three mayors and four police commissioners. Despite the city’s political changes, high crime and violence, there is a light in Baltimore. This light of hope and unity began in October 2015 when the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan called for 10,000 Fearless men to step up and make their communities a clean and decent place to live.
“The violence in the community led us to unite with the Christian community and I personally studied what the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan did building up to the Million Man March,” said Student Capt. Andrew Muhammad. He shared how the 10.10.15 “Justice or Else” movement was the “blueprint that influenced our community engagement” in Baltimore. The Monday community engagement walks have benefitted Baltimore, he explained.
“Baltimore has benefitted tremendously in many ways you see, and you don’t see. But we have partnered with many organizations including the Mayor’s Office of African American Male Engagement or MOAMME,” said Student Capt. Andrew Muhammad. He shares the sentiment of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that unity will allow “us to fix the ills of our communities because we’re so divided.” Unity allows us to be in a space where we come together with the process of atonement, explained Student Capt. Andrew Muhammad.
The ultimate goal of the Monday efforts is to organize 10,000 men in Baltimore to make the city safer and a more decent place to live for all its citizens.
Student Min. Carlos Muhammad acknowledged the work of Student Capt. Andrew Muhammad and the mighty FOI. “Their efforts have had a great impact in Baltimore despite the challenges the city faces each and every day. It’s always good to know you have a helper to lead the men and soldiers into the streets,” he said.
Their efforts demonstrate the teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan, continued Student Min. Carlos Muhammad. He recognized the value of past conflict and disunity among Christians, Muslims and others but explained that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught, “95% of our problems we face as a people could be solved with divine unity and that our unity is more powerful than a hydrogen or nuclear bomb.” Student Min. Carlos Muhammad noted the unity among Christians and Muslims the last few months in Baltimore has shown great impact on the road to “galvanize” more men to come together and get on the road to “10,000 Fearless.”
Loving ourselves and respecting each other through love is a great motivation for this type of work, he continued. Despite challenges, Student Min. Carlos Muhammad acknowledged how the teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Min. Farrakhan motivate and keep him focused on the mission to save our people.
What started off as a vision has grown each Monday and consistently brings new men and youth from throughout the city. Baltimore may have its struggles, but the work of Muhammad Mosque No. 6, the Mayor’s Office of African American Male Engagement, Safe Streets, Christian groups and organizations is helping to slowly turn the tide. The work will continue but the mission is not over until Baltimore is the greatest and most loving city in the world as it affectionately is known as “Charm City.”
Every week, “Charm City” shows love and the people thank the men in the streets and even share tears of joy and promise. Baltimore stands strong and is united in faith and love.