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Twenty-seventeen marks the 30th anniversary of what may arguably be the most profound, impactful and life-changing lecture series delivered by anyone in modern history. On Sunday, July 26, 1987, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave a lecture that would become the first installment of a five-part lecture series titled, How to Give Birth to a God. The Minister’s divine proficiency of scripture, history, biology, psychology and metaphysics, coupled with his wise understanding of the woman and her direct connection to God, resulted in a lecture series of unparalleled guidance and application for both men and women.
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During the lecture series, Min. Farrakhan declared that women “can change the world with your womb!” This single statement capsulizes the message that the Minister so beautifully delivered all those years ago—and based on the condition of this world, it is a message that must be reignited in the consciousness of our people.
The Minister explained that the woman is blessed with two wombs. Not only does the woman possess the physical womb (often called uterus), but she also possesses a mental womb—the mind—that directly feeds the growing baby spiritually and mentally. Both wombs are majestic and created by God to be extraordinarily powerful, giving the woman the ability to produce a god or to produce a devil.
The Bible reads,“I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High” (Psalm 82:6 KJV). If this is true, and it is, then what happened? Why have we not actualized our god-potential? Min. Farrakhan has said,“It is not that you don’t have the potential, the capacity, but you don’t have the knowledge. And because you don’t know how to do what you are born into the world to do, you miss your task.”
Preparation is the key. At least one year prior to conception, we must stop smoking and eliminate all drugs and alcohol. We must wean off of all over-the-counter drugs and unnecessary medications that can be replaced with proper food and nutrition. Invest in copies of How to Eat to Live: Books I & II by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and practice the diet he prescribes.
The mind must also be prepared before conception. This serious preparation for getting the mind—the second womb—into a state to produce a god cannot be neglected, because this womb affects the spiritual and mental development of the growing baby. The more time that is invested in our spiritual and mental development, the greater the benefit for our children.
The mind is so powerful that whether or not adequate time was taken to prepare the physical body, a focused and determined mind can overcome the physical. More than anything, it is our sincere supplication to God during pregnancy that impresses itself on the brain of the forming child.
Minister Farrakhan said, “Now look at what she [Mary’s mother] did. She formed it with a vow, so her desire to please God started writing on the brain of the child that was being fashioned from her blood. You, woman, can make the child a mental giant or you can make it an imbecile; but it is what you think and what you desire that writes on the brain. And the child comes forward from the darkness of the womb with a predisposition toward a certain reality.”
We can change the world by producing gods from our womb. A god is one who has force and power to change reality by creating a new and better reality. A god has mastery over self and environmental influences. A god is supreme in his or her field of endeavor. And a god is also extraordinarily knowledgeable and wise.
During his lecture, the Minister also recounts a Japanese woman who produced four geniuses as a result of reading to each of them while they were yet in the womb. We should not read foolish fairytales that promote falsehood. We should read the most beautiful scriptural narratives to our growing baby combined with books that have a focus on nation-building disciplines.
It is easy to see how 30 years later, Min. Farrakhan’s message continues to reverberate in the hearts and minds of a new generation.
(Fudia Muhammad is a member of Muhammad Mosque No. 64 in Austin, Texas. She is married to Student Minister Robert L. Muhammad. They have been blessed with four children. She holds a Master’s degree in education and is a writer, educator and an advocate for God-centered child-rearing.)