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After falling into rabid fake outrage with the publication of a 12-year-old photo of then-U.S. Senator Barack Obama and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, these demons upped the pressure and upped their plantation-style efforts to control Black people.
This one-note chorus repeated old lies and accusations against Min. Farrakhan. Once they smeared him with the false charge of hatred, they doubled back and declared Black leaders and lawmakers must denounce him—based on their lies. Are we still slaves?
A slavemaster orders and directs the lives, actions and thoughts of his property. But if we are free men and women, we have the right and the obligation to manage our own affairs.
It becomes doubly important when these self-appointed modern overseers assault a man who has devoted his life to uplifting Black and suffering people. We have benefitted and benefit from his work, his teaching, his example and his bold representation of true Black manhood.
The Minister is no hater and no denier of the rights of Jews or Whites. He doesn’t threaten people nor harm people. His followers don’t assault Jewish people, desecrate synagogues nor interfere with the lives of Jewish people. Yet these Zionists and anti-Black forces have maligned him for nearly 40 years. And, they are outraged if people who know him refuse to accept their lies and their intimidation.
So as the Daily Caller, the Jewish Advocate, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the Jewish Journal and assorted journalistic hacks spread the gospel of Black subservience to White and Jewish interests, let’s consider a few things.
Why is a photo from 2005 so important? Why must members of the Congressional Black Caucus explain talking to Min. Farrakhan? Where are Black interests in this equation? The photo was taken during a Congressional Black Caucus legislative weekend, which is a place where major public policy and discussions of Black issues take place. It is a place to consider what items should be placed on a Black Agenda and how the needs of Blacks can be addressed in a repressive and racist society. A photo with Farrakhan signals that talk of Farrakhan as an outsider and fringe leader are ludicrous and that the beloved Nation of Islam minister is no pariah. It also says Black folk have relationships among themselves, just as Jewish people have relationships among themselves. And, while there may be squabbles inside the family, family members are content to work out their problems among themselves. Perhaps it also says Blacks have achieved a level of self-love, self-respect and self-determination.
The poor pseudo slavemaster feels duped. Slaves he thought were content with his cruel rule and tyrannical decrees are finding ways to assert their own interests.
This photo with Farrakhan, the respect shown Farrakhan, and the love shown Farrakhan symbolize the possibility of a Black United Front. It means that, like Jews, Blacks have the potential to define and direct their power to pursue their own interests.
Why shouldn’t we? These same people, like ADL national director Jonathan Greenblatt, pursue their interests regardless to whom or what. They don’t ask for Black permission for anything. They didn’t ask for Black permission to oppose affirmative action, target Black congressmen who did not toe the line on Israel, threaten the Rev. Jesse Jackson for calling for a balanced U.S. policy in Middle East in 1984, criticize President Obama for not kowtowing totally to Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, police Blacks who live too close to areas “claimed” by Jews, exploit Blacks in urban ghettos, and oppose integration into Jewish neighborhoods. No permission was sought as they played a role in the global slave trade and the Holocaust of our ancestors in this horrific chapter of world history.
They allow the mistreatment of Ethiopian Jews, who have rioted in Israel and fought police in response to Jewish racism and wrongdoing, and they do not condemn and stop plans to target, deport or jail African migrants in Israel. What democratic principles do these violations represent?
The cowards of yesterday sought to physically lynch Blacks to terrorize our community. Today these enemies resort to high tech media lynchings, character assassination, lies, innuendo and cutting off financial support to keep Negroes in check.
What kinds of friends are these and what kind of relationship is this? These are no friends and this is a sick, twisted and paternalistic relationship that seeks to always subordinate Black interests to Jewish interests. That is why their biggest yelps and loudest howls came when the name Farrakhan is mentioned. You barely hear them when it comes to police shootings, Black violence, discrimination, Black poverty, failures in education, inequality of opportunity and the suffering of Africa and the Caribbean. There may be a little lip service paid to these issues, but there is not the strong, unrelenting, unapologetic, determined voice and actions that emerge when “Negroes” step out of line.
The Daily Caller listed the Black Caucus members who refused to respond to their Farrakhan inquisition. “The 21 members who declined to denounce Louis Farrakhan are listed below: John Lewis (D-GA), Gregory Meeks (D-NY), Danny Davis (D-IL), Bobby Rush (D-IL), Maxine Waters (D-CA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Eleanor Holmes-Norton (D-DC), Alcee Hastings (D-FL), Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), Sanford Bishop (D-GA), Bobby Scott (D-VA), Bennie Thompson (D-MS), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Lacy Clay Jr. (D-MO), David Scott (D-GA), Greg N.K. Butterfield (D-NC), Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), Al Green (D-TX), Gwen Moore (D-WI),” shrieked the Daily Caller.
It also quoted Chicago Democrat Danny Davis as speaking well of Min. Farrakhan, though the ADL insisted later, quoting an unnamed source, that the lawmaker had retracted his kind and truthful words.
We are men and women today and we have a man before us who is a pillar of faith and fearlessness. We need to follow his example. These Jewish forces and their Gentile brethren have no authority over us—except that they call us and like lap dogs we obey.