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In the conversation, Omarosa shared her priority issues—education, economics, crime reduction and increased job opportunities—for the administration. But, she stressed, Black leaders must come to the table and dialogue with the president and advocate for what they want. Traditional civil rights leaders, she said, have been unwilling to sit-down and talk but offer criticism from afar. Outside of representatives of the Congressional Black Caucus, few Black leaders have called or requested a meeting with me or the president, said the Howard University graduate. It’s not a good strategy to be absent from the table for four years, she said.
“By the way, there is a Chicago-based leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan, who would meet with the president, I’m seeing this on our Facebook. People, they’re saying, that Louis Farrakhan would meet with you or the president. Would you guys be willing to meet with the Honorable Louis Farrakhan?” asked co-host Thomas.
“I think that any in your audience would know that I have never shied away from having an open and, I believe, a good relationship with Louis Farrakhan and so I would look forward to receiving that invitation and sitting down with him,” Omarosa responded.
“That is a revolutionary statement, my sister,” said Mr. Thomas.
“My history reflects that I have marched, walked, advocated and fought, even before I got into this office, for the rights of those who don’t have a voice and for those who can’t fight for themselves. I have a spiritual obligation to fight for those who Christ described as the least of these,” said the Trump White House representative, who is also an ordained minister.
About that time the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) went ballistic. Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO, declared with all the outrage of an old-time slave master, “Louis Farrakhan should not be made to feel welcome by anyone in the White House. Such an overture would only serve to legitimize his long record of conspiratorial and hateful views toward Jews. We hope that the administration will make it clear that Farrakhan and his anti-Semitic organization will find no supporters in the White House.”
But the discussion wasn’t about Farrakhan supporters in the White House, it was about Black issues and what is best for a suffering community plagued by too much death and dysfunction. So if the topic is Black issues, Black people and the White House, where does the ADL fit in? Nowhere. Except the paternalistic, Zionist group continues to act as though today’s Blacks are the same as our ancestors bought and sold by Jewish slavers during the darkest times of our history. We don’t belong to you anymore.
Once again the ADL seeks to use its lies and its power to cow any who would dare mention the name Louis Farrakhan in the light of day. Anyone who would dare, especially a so-called American Negro, to acknowledge the Minister’s service, his leadership and his wisdom must be condemned and disavowed.
Why? It is because Min. Farrakhan represents the end of the old Black-Jewish relationship and the control wicked ones have exerted over our community for their interests, and not our best interests.
From the slave trade and the era of King Cotton, to northern ghettos where Jewish shopkeepers, pawn shop owners and landlords exploited Black people, to assaults on any independent Black leader, to promoting a social activism that would never lead to economic power, to taking advantage of Black athletes and entertainers who died broke, to backing the death of affirmative action and hounding Rev. Jesse Jackson during his early and historic run for the presidency, these sly and wicked enemies have been consistent.
Their number one target for the past 30 years has been Minister Farrakhan and his strident efforts to free Black people from Zionist control. Neither he, nor his followers, have hurt or harmed one Jewish person, defaced one synagogue nor deprived any Jewish person of a single right that they enjoy.
The hate has come from those of Mr. Greenblatt’s ilk, who fear a Black man with the God-given power to define and direct his people along the path of self-reliance and independence.
These enemies care nothing for Black interests, nor Black suffering. When Min. Farrakhan, at 80-years-old, led the Fruit of Islam, men of the Nation of Islam into the streets of Chicago in 2012 to help curb violence and increase the peace, Jewish leaders were upset. They demanded that the mayor and all well-meaning and responsible Negroes denounce a man walking streets to undo havoc and murder he was not responsible for.
Did Black Lives Matter to these Zionists? Emphatically not.
In 1988, these same anti-Black forces opposed the lifesaving efforts of the “Dopebusters,” a name given to the Fruit of Islam who brought peace to a notorious D.C. open air drug market. That peace ushered in conditions that lead to a multi-million dollar re-investment in the community. The ADL fought this great work.
By 1995, as security companies that were privately-owned by individual Muslims were going into public housing projects across the country bringing light, life, power and safety, the firms were called before Congress. Jewish groups, in particular the ADL and American Jewish Congress, demanded that federal contracts be stripped from the companies—despite no proof of wrongdoing. After five hours of testimony on Capitol Hill before the House Banking and Financial Services Subcommittee on General Oversight and Investigations, the firms weren’t found to have done anything wrong. But security company spokespersons boldly and effectively refuted the old lies of hatred spouted by the Jewish groups. Henry Cisneros, then secretary of Housing and Urban Development, declared any further investigation would be an unwarranted witch hunt. In the end, the Jewish influence and lobbying led to HUD canceling contracts with local public housing authorities that retained the security companies. The local housing agencies could not survive without the money and reluctantly released the Muslim companies. Death, drugs and destruction quickly followed.
A friend would never do such a thing.
So if Omarosa is wise enough and honest enough to show respect for Min. Farrakhan and his work, she is doing this country and the White House a favor. America needs divine guidance and Black America needs someone imbued by God’s grace with Supreme Wisdom, fearlessness, a sense of justice and deep love—Min. Farrakhan is that man. Who would be better to represent Black interests in dealing with Mr. Trump or anyone else than a man with a 60-year track record of pursuing Black progress, Black unity and Black upliftment?
What was revolutionary was Omarosa’s willingness to admit in public what respectable Negroes utter in private: Farrakhan is a voice that needs to be heard, if you truly want to solve problems for America and Black people in America.