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“And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?”
Matthew 12:26 King James Version
“America is now being torn to pieces politically as Pharaoh’s political party was in the days when Jehovah went after the freedom of The Children of Israel.” The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, “If Satan Cast Out Satan, His House is Divided Against Himself; How Then Will His Kingdom Stand?” November 2016
With the Senate essentially exonerating the president, an important episode in American history doesn’t end but a new chapter is just beginning. A brash president not held accountable for anything, while even some supporters concede he did wrong, isn’t going to back down.
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Anti-Trump resistance is just as impassioned and committed to pushing the “liar-in-chief” out of the White House. This is a time of intense divisions. No one seems to be able to offer a word or vision that makes people believe a fractured American electorate can come together.
Those who love Mr. Trump, love him. Those who hate Mr. Trump, hate him. Where is the middle ground in that equation? There is none. It’s division, discord, disbelief and disruption.
When it came to removing Mr. Trump because he abused his power by pushing the president of Ukraine to investigate the son of Joe Biden, a Democratic opponent, and withheld aid to the country to force Ukrainian compliance, the country was split. “Majorities of American voters believe that President Donald Trump abused his power and obstructed Congress in the Ukraine scandal, but the public remains split—largely along party lines—over whether those actions justify his removal from office,” NBC News reported.
A national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found “46 percent of registered voters say Trump should be removed from office as a result of the impeachment trial, versus 49 percent who say he should remain—essentially unchanged from the 48 percent-to-48 percent split in December’s NBC/WSJ poll.”
“Democratic voters overwhelmingly support Trump’s removal from office (84 percent), while Republicans overwhelmingly oppose it (91 percent). Independents are divided, with 45 percent backing removal and 50 percent opposing it,” NBC News reported Feb. 2. “Yet once again, there’s a partisan split to these numbers, with nine-in-10 Democrats believing Trump abused his power and obstructed Congress, versus 70 to 80 percent of Republicans disagreeing.”
No national consensus, no national unity—just national anger and acrimony.
The anger isn’t just playing out in the halls of Congress or in the media with a war of words. The battleground is also states where mostly heavily armed Whites have come out to oppose any gun control. In Frankfort, Ky., the state capitol, gun rights defenders looked like an invading army with AR-15 assault-style weapons, hand guns, camouflage, fatigues and more Jan. 31. Some wore masks, some carried signs and many entered the capitol building with weapons in tow. And, as local media reported, those with weapons were allowed to walk around metal detectors and enter. Those without weapons had to be scanned for dangerous items, because the open carrying of weapons is allowed in the capitol.
The gun toters came out ostensibly to oppose a “red flag” law that would allow taking away weapons when gun owners are deemed threats to themselves and others, and some other limits.
When one reporter asked a weapons-carrying-protestor if he could foresee taking up arms against the United States, the man responded, “no comment.”
Eleven days earlier, political leaders and officials were afraid violence would break out when some 22,000 gun rights advocates came to Richmond, Va., the state capitol.
Open carrying of weapons is allowed in the state, but fences were erected to keep the guns off of official grounds during what is called an annual lobbying day. Armed demonstrators opposed changes, pushed by Democrats, such as universal background checks. They came from around the country for the rally. Three men, who were headed to Richmond, were arrested and accused of trying to “carry out a paramilitary strike” with people being killed, trains derailed and water supplies poisoned. The arrests were part of a broader federal investigation.
“The size of the crowd and the expected participation of White supremacists and fringe militia groups raised fears that the state could see a repeat of the violence that exploded in 2017 in Charlottesville,” the Associated Press reported. The rally ended without gun play.
“ ‘The government doesn’t run us, we run the government,’ ” Kem Regik, a 20 year old, told the Associated Press.
Language coming from the top of White society, political, social, media and some religious leaders is fomenting a showdown.
War inside a country doesn’t start with a shot, it begins with words, harsh words, filled with vitriol. Harsh words tied to the belief that the future of the nation is at stake.
By the time the shooting war starts, the conflict has been well under way.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, patriarch of the Nation of Islam, and his servant, Min. Farrakhan, have warned America is a preserved area. No outside force will doom America, but the chastisement of God will bring down the most powerful country in the last 6,000 years, coupled with internal strife.
America is at a dangerous point. A new election isn’t going to fix her. Doing good by Black people, who God wants free, justified and equal, and heeding divine guidance from Min. Farrakhan could help America, perhaps, gain some time. But time is surely running out and the handwriting is on the wall.