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The withdrawal of economic support, in my opinion, could be interpreted by some as an act of war. But this war was not started by the poor and oppressed people in this so-called Democratic country called America. When he was in Atlanta on June 22, Minister Farrakhan shared that America is not making the world safe for Democracy, but she is making it safe for White Supremacy.
This war was started by the policy-makers and wicked rulers in high places who seem to have double standards as we all have seen how our brother Eric Garner was choked to death for allegedly selling loose cigarettes. But Dylann Storm Roof whose shooting up of a church resulting in 9 deaths was allowed to wear a bulletproof vest while he was safely escorted by law enforcement and reportedly taken to Burger King for a bite to eat. The victims of White Supremacy are criminalized while the perpetuators of White Supremacy are often made to look like heroes. Many media outlets have absolutely refused to call Dylann Roof a terrorist.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica, economic warfare is the “use of, or the threat to use, economic means against a country in order to weaken its economy and thereby reduce its political and military power. Economic warfare also includes the use of economic means to compel an adversary to change its policies or behavior or to undermine its ability to conduct normal relations with other countries.”
More words from Dr. King that Minister Farrakhan brought to light are, “Now, we are poor people, individually, we are poor when you compare us with White society in America. We are poor. Never stop and forget that collectively, that means all of us together, collectively we are richer than all the nations in the world, with the exception of nine.”
In 2015, Black spending power is approximately $1.3 trillion a year. Imagine what 40 million of us, or even 10 or 20 million of us waging economic warfare in America would do to her economy. Then, she would be forced to either sit down and talk about real, fair treatment and real freedom, justice and equality or she will descend into the bottomless pit of hell because she is detested by God for all of the wrongs she has done, continues to do and will do to the Original People of the earth.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was evolving into a giant. He began to go toe-to-toe with the White oppressor, and for this reason, he was killed. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is carrying on his words and advice to the Black community to withdraw economic support if the government of America is not prepared to give the Black man, the Native Americans and Indians, the Mexicans and Latinos and all people she has kept at the bottom of this country, justice. Stand with the Minister on October 10, 2015 in Washington, D.C. to make this serious demand for Justice Or Else!
Anisah Muhammad is a 17-year-old writer based in Montgomery, Ala. She is the author of the new book, “Escaping the Chains” available on Amazon.com. To read more of what she writes, visit original7.wordpress.com