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![]() Millions of people marked the 37 anniversary of the Islamic Revolution by turning out for celebrations in Tehran. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was invited to participate in the commemorations. Photo: Iranian Gov’t
The Minister was invited to Iran by the Coordinating Council For Islamic Publicity, a non-governmental organization, and as a special guest at Iran’s freedom anniversary on Feb. 11. Min. Farrakhan attended but did not speak at the celebration. He was warmly received at the gathering and participated in private meetings. One session included a dialogue with former Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati, who now heads the Center for Strategic Research and remains an advisor to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and an important figure in Iran.
The Minister was also an honored guest at a symposium, the “International Seminar of Foreign Guests On the 37th Anniversary of Victory of the Great Islamic Revolution of Iran,” where presenters laid out the importance of the Iranian revolution, its history and its place in history.
Some presenters expressed pride that the Muslim state exists despite nearly four decades of opposition from the United States and a tense relationship with Saudi Arabia, a major U.S. ally in the region.
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![]() Mustapha Farrakhan, son of Min. Farrakhan and student Supreme Captain of the Fruit of Islam, and Min. Farrakhan were seated as honored guests with former Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati during a symposium on the Iranian Revolution in Tehran. Photos: Richard B. Muhammad
A press conference that was planned for a few journalists became a full room with a bouquet of microphones in front of the Minister and a bank of cameras in the back or the room and other cameras in the aisles. The journalists who attended included a leading group of young Iranian newsmen, an anchor for the country’s English-language PressTV network, as well as important regional news outlets based in Iran. Among the languages into which the Minister’s words were reported were English, Farsi, Arabic, French and Urdu. The reporters, editors and videographers represented Iranian outlets, Pan-Arab news sources and agencies reporting to Azerbaijan, Syria, Palestine, India, Afghanistan.
Min. Farrakhan called for the two major Middle East powers, Iran and Saudi Arabia, and the Muslim World to find the path to unity.
The Minister called the visit “a great honor and privilege for us to be here in Iran to celebrate with you the 37th anniversary of this great revolution that brought Islam back to Iran in a manner that makes it an example for all Muslims throughout the world.” The meetings with Mr. Velayati and others were an opportunity to share with Muslims in Iran the Nation of Islam’s work in the United States, the Caribbean, Central and South America and Africa and to discuss ways to increase American understanding of Iran.
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“Not because Iran is a demon but the demon is the demonizer.”
He explained how Blacks were made slaves and Christians but members of the Nation have chosen to become Muslims and retain close ties with family members, friends and others who are Christian.
“We are trying to make as many of our people Muslims by Allah’s help. It started first with Black people because the Blacks are the most oppressed, along with the indigenous Native Americans called Indians. And we are uniting with our Indian family, our native family, our Mexican and Latino family and we are doing all whatever we can to spread the word of Allah among them,” he explained.
The Minister observed that since the 1979 revolution brought about by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini those who wish to destroy Iran have been watching and busy. The Iranian religious leader was exiled in France for his opposition to the ruling regime but sent messages into the country via cassette tapes. Iran prior to the revolution was a U.S. client state and its brutal ruler was Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran. He presided over an Iranian monarchy with an iron fist and was backed by the United States.
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The U.S. wants to manipulate and control both nations and destroy the power of Islam, he said.
The negative forces in America are real, they want Muslims to kill one another and hate the Iranian Revolution, he said. Leading Republican candidates for president are vowing to rip up the agreement with Iran. The lifting of U.S. and other sanctions came after negotiations and Iran meeting guidelines for the peaceful use of nuclear energy. The United Nations found sanctions should be lifted as Iran has met terms set by America, the UN and other powerful countries.
![]() Min. Farrakhan and former Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati, an advisor to Iran’s president. Photo: Robert E. Muhammad
America fed internal dissent and U.S. allies kept Col. Gadhafi from fighting off a rebellion the revolutionary leader said was linked to Al-Qaeda, Min. Farrakhan observed.
Once Col. Gadhafi gave up his weapons of mass destruction, America moved against the Libyan leader and the once-thriving North African nation is now a virtual failed state.
Every nation on earth contains dissatisfied elements and the U.S. wants to use those dissatisfied elements to foment revolt in Iran, the Minister said.
Positive dissatisfaction can help Iranians evolve the revolution and move society forward, he explained. But secret councils to promote sin and revolt are forbidden in the Qur’an and America wants to support those who are unhappy to destroy Islamic nations, Min. Farrakhan continued.
![]() (L) Min. Farrakhan calls for Muslim unity during a press conference in Iran. (R) Journalists filled the press conference that was held at PressTV.
“We are facing global war, the war that is called in the bible Armageddon, a war where every nation on this earth will be involved,” said Min. Farrakhan.
![]() Cameras capture the Minister’s words during crowded news conference.
A small group of Zionists and others are involved in the planning against Islamic nations, he said. “I call it the Synagogue of Satan because that’s what it is called in the Bible. In the book of Revelations, it reads those who say they are Jews and are not, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan and they are working day and night to destroy any unity among Muslims.”
Sects and parties must never be put above the religion of Islam, the Minister said. The Qur’an warns against dividing up the religion due to envy and glorifying in a part of Allah’s message, he said.
While Muslims in America have had differences, there was never bloodshed between the Nation of Islam, led by Min. Farrakhan, and the Islamic community led by the late Imam W.D. Muhammad. We are an example for the Muslim World, the Minister said.
![]() Grand Ayatollah Ahmed Jannati of Iran meets with the Nation of Islam delegation. Photo via Sobhan Hassanvand
“America is busy feeding that divide with toxic language to make us fight and kill each another,” the Minister said.
Growing up under tyranny in the West, where Blacks were stripped of their names, history, culture and religion, it is easy to see America’s deception at work, he added.
No matter where she has gone or exerted influence—whether in Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Libya, Egypt, Syria or Iran—America has not had good intentions, warned Min. Farrakhan.
Despite her lofty words, America has a different purpose in mind, the Minister said.
With her bloated debt, budget deficits and outrageous military spending, America has serious problems of her own and her future does not look good, he added.
America is broke and uses her military might to intimidate those she owes money, such as China, Japan and Europe, Min. Farrakhan said.
“We have to make peace in this area, otherwise the area is going up and great war will spread in this area and the beautiful cities that I have been blessed to see in the Middle East due to oil revenue, the enemy is so envious at what Allah has blessed the Muslims to do with their cities and their countries, he would love nothing more than to bomb it,” he warned.
![]() Final Call staff enter PressTV building for a session with the news media.
Osama Bin Laden didn’t destroy the Twin Towers that was a false flag operation to take the world’s attention away from the great disunity in America after George W. Bush stole the presidential election, said Min. Farrakhan. America has her own problems with the mistreatment of Blacks and others, he added.
American leaders are angry and don’t want Iran to have success or receive over $150 billion owed to the Islamic republic, Min. Farrakhan continued. They wanted to steal the money and are afraid of what Iran will do with it, he said.
In his remarks to the press and in meetings, the Minister firmly declared the Nation of Islam believes that its founder, Master Fard Muhammad, is the expected Great Mahdi, or one who comes to guide Islam back to the straight path, and that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, who worked 40 years to establish the Nation was raised as a messenger by the Great Mahdi and has been exalted to the position of Christ. Shia Muslims in Iran are waiting the appearance of the Great Mahdi and in Islamic tradition the Great Mahdi and the Christ appear together at the end of the world.
“This trip was deeply significant based on the Minister’s striving to unite the Muslim World with a message that would call us back to the straight path of brotherhood and solidarity around a common mission and goal to establish a universal government of peace,” said Sultan Rahman Muhammad, national imam of the Nation of Islam. “The bridging of the Sunni-Shia divide is critical at this time when the enemy is exploiting our differences. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered healing words that warned our brothers and sisters against fighting one another so that we can be strongly united in spirit, mind and action,” said Imam Rahman Muhammad, who facilitated much of the trip.