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CHICAGO (FinalCall.com) - A little over one week after the remarkable showing of unity October 10 in Washington, D.C., a capacity crowd filled the Nation of Islam’s international headquarters Mosque Maryam.
When the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan entered the sanctuary Oct. 18, it was not to receive accolades, pats on the back or to take a victory lap, it was to deliver guidance on the way forward in a mighty work to free oppressed people.
![]() All seats were fi lled in the main sanctuary as well as upstairs and downstairs Oct. 18. Photo: Tim 6X
The Minister used the opportunity to deliver a heartfelt thanks to all who worked tirelessly to make the day a success. He also straightened out misguided critics who used various social media sites to publish complaints that the Minister “didn’t go in hard enough” on the U.S. government during the message he delivered to the world from the steps of the Capitol.
“Some of you were disappointed because Farrakhan is a firebrand and the fire escaped you—and that’s because you were not listening as well as you should, so to all of those who expressed disappointment … they didn’t see how deep I went in!”
In addition, young men, women, and children were there on the National Mall and the world was watching. It would have been a slaughter played out before the world, he said.
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“The worst thing I could have done was to tap your anger and frustration and have you go off half-cocked!” the Minister continued. “Well you are alive and you’ll continue to be alive if you listen to your brother!” he stated emphatically.
The Minister shared how his messages are not driven by ego or vanity, but as God works through him.
The old traditional civil rights groups and Black organizations were not present, but Black youth were, the Minister noted.
“It forces some of you to rethink what you think about Farrakhan,” he said. “What is it that God called and the youth answered?”
It appears the “Or Else!” scared and repelled the elders, but it attracted the youth by the hundreds of thousands, said Min. Farrakhan.
He blasted those who placed vain desires and egos ahead of the legitimate aspirations of the people calling them “pomp and circumstance Negros that want to be seen but don’t want to do the work that will liberate our people.”
The Minister warned those who might consider betraying the legitimate aspirations of the masses of the people because of their disappointment, or over the promise of money from the enemy.
“In every life at some point, we’re bound to face disappointment,” said Min. Farrakhan. “Betrayal of us, in a time like this is very dangerous.”
“Handling disappointment is a part of the life struggle,” he said. And disappointment will “bring out the best of you, and the worst of you,” he noted.
![]() Men and women sitting in the balcony of Mosque Maryam to hear words of guidance from Min. Farrakhan.
The enemy does not want to see the Black, Brown, and Red unite and wants to use the pain and envy within others to derail the movement, Min. Farrakhan explained.
“The Native American and indigenous people must not ever again be considered an afterthought,” he said.
“Master Fard Muhammad will reject us if we reject them,” he cautioned. “Our futures are intertwined.” Master Fard Muhammad was the teacher of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and is the Great Mahdi, the fulfillment of a divine man whose extraordinary power and wisdom fulfills scripture in the Day of Judgement. According to the teachings of the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, the current time is the Day of Judgement foretold in the Bible and the Holy Qur’an.
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“I wanted the world to see the hypocrisy of America traveling all over the world telling others how they should live,” said Min. Farrakhan. “America created the refugee problem that is now plaguing Europe,” he added.
The call for Justice Or Else! is a call that is bigger than any one leader, in fact, it is a “we” thing, he said.
Nation of Islam social media strategist Jesse Muhammad reported that 400 cities across the globe, representing 92 nations and 1.5 billion people were reached by Min. Farrakhan’s word on 10.10.15. #JusticeOrElse was trending at the top of all four major social media sites, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, for several days in a row, said Jesse Muhammad.
Jesse Muhammad also mentioned the BET Hip Hop awards reportedly lost one million viewers this year. He shared how many were upset because BET, which is owned by Viacom’s Sumner Redstone, did not broadcast Justice Or Else! live on 10.10.15 and therefore, called for a boycott of the network’s hip hop awards show.
America’s doom
God has delayed America’s doom until the people have been sufficiently raised into consciousness, which is happening now, Min. Farrakhan said. Corrupt governments and leaders are being challenged, he noted.
![]() Social media strategist Jesse Muhammad delivers #JusticeOrElse stats.
“Everywhere on the Earth, the people are rising against their governments,” said Min. Farrakhan. “It’s got nothing to do with color, it has something to do with government’s inability to satisfy the requirements that God demands for every human being that comes to birth in his universe.”
“He’s (God’s) here to close this shop down. He’s here to challenge America for your liberation,” said Min. Farrakhan, speaking to Black people. “God is present.”
“A war is going on between God and Satan over you,” he declared.
Lies, rumors and the death of Malcolm X
On 10.10.15, Min. Farrakhan called on the FBI to open up all the files related to the killing of Malcolm X in the face of continued rumors attempting to connect the Minister with his death.
Min. Farrakhan again declared his innocence, and exposed the enemy’s motives in continuing to circulate the same discredited lies among the youth using educational settings, books written by those with an axe to grind against the Nation of Islam, and popular culture.
“Don’t you know that the enemy saw this young generation and he wanted you to believe that so that you would try to take vengeance on a man that they wanted out of the way,” said Min. Farrakhan. “That’s why they spread rumors, because they know if they took me to court on that—and they won’t do it because they know better—they must use the media and envious Negroes,” he added.
Up with Jesus! Down with Santa!
Minister Farrakhan announced plans to gather those with organizing skill to facilitate “economic withdrawal,” a Christmas spending boycott, aimed at companies nationwide.
“We’re about to boycott Christmas! If you love Christ, then to hell with Santa! Up with Jesus! Down with Santa!” he said.
The audience stood and cheered in agreement. However the Minister also warned that since the movement is picking up steam, some of the primary organizers will likely receive calls from those who might desire to redirect the movement and buy them off.
“This is why we have to protect our young people, because these are the ones that God wants,” said the Minister.
The youth who are members of street organizations who are becoming conscious will also be targeted by the militarized police forces across America who are armed and ready for confrontation with those exhibiting behavior they consider to be savage, he said. The fratricidal killing in the Black community must stop, the Minister stressed.
“If we don’t stop killing each other, God is going to allow them to kill us,” said Min. Farrakhan. “When you kill a people that God has chosen, he’s justified in punishing you, especially after you have the knowledge that you are killing your brother, somebody that God has chosen right along with you.”
Those interested in becoming part of the 10,000 fearless who are willing to work to bring peace to violence-plagued Black neighborhoods were asked to go to justiceorelse.com/10000 to sign up.
Plans were also announced to send letters to all 535 voting members of the U.S. Congress, along with The Muslim Program for their careful consideration. It is time to take the Muslim Program to Congress, said Min. Farrakhan.
[To order this message now available in its entirety on DVD, CD or MP3, visit store.finalcall.com or call 1.866.602.1230, ext. 200. We encourage our readers to get this vital message in its entirety.]