National News

My Sister’s Kitchen Campaign distributes navy bean soup kits

By Qiana X Manns | Last updated: May 20, 2020 - 10:07:32 AM

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Queendom Come Inc. made a commitment to provide nutrient rich food to under served areas in the city by designing a Navy Bean Soup Kit. The group delivered over 200 of the kits to low income residents in Houston. Photos courtesy of Queendom Come Inc.

“Eat of the good things We have provided for you, and be not inordinate in respect thereof, lest My wrath come upon you; and he on whom My wrath comes, he perishes indeed. And surely I am Forgiving toward him who repents and believes and does good, then walks aright.”

Holy Qur’an—Surah 20:81-82

HOUSTON—Queendom Come Inc. is a nonprofit female empowerment and mentoring organization serving women and girls. Recently the Houston-based organization’s founders joined forces to serve their community during the challenges stemming from the coronavirus pandemic. Queendom Come Inc. made a commitment to provide nutrient rich food to underserved areas in the city by designing a Navy Bean Soup Kit.

With Covid-19 pandemic ravishing the Black community, it has never been more important to focus on immune system strength. The women of Queendom Come Inc. believed that for them to promote this special food campaign creating navy bean soup kits to distribute was necessary and timely, so they developed the “My Sister’s Kitchen Campaign.”

The health benefits of the navy bean address many underlying conditions that unfortunately Black people commonly suffer from.

Volunteers and members of Queendom Come Inc. prepare to distribute bean soup kits in the Houston area.

This writer serves as the campaign’s coordinator. “We know from preparing in our own kitchen and serving to our families that this simple food is a food that will give you better health,” the organization’s board notes. “Fortunately, our executive board is controlled by women in the Nation of Islam, whose intentions with this ‘My Sister’s Kitchen Campaign,’ was to ensure that women and children will have the proper food in their homes to receive the nutrition necessary to support a healthy immune system.” To have a strong immune system proper nutrition is essential.

Fellow board member, Oshea Muhammad, spearheaded a small brigade of women to prepare navy bean soup kits to properly equip elderly women and women with children. The kit included: 2 pound bag of navy beans; 2 medium Onions; 1 garlic bulb; a seasoning pack (black pepper, salt, turmeric); 2 masks and gloves; and a recipe insert by Patricia Muhammad of PM Business Office Management Services.

Instructions on preparing the soup kit included an excerpt from “How to Eat to Live” by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The passage from Book 1 stated: “No beans did He advise, except the small navy the small size and not the larger size - the little brown pink ones, and the white ones.

This bean He valued to be very high in protein, fats and starches, and it is a safe food for prolonging life. As you will find, most of the Muslims like their bean soup. These beans are dry beans. He said that He could take one of our babies and start him off eating the dry small navy bean soup, and make that child live 240 years. He described no other bean. This dry bean, or pulse, is of ancient origin. It was this bean, according to certain historians, that Daniel preferred for himself and his followers in the prison of Nebuchadnezzar. Do not add rice and meats to these beans, because they contain proteins, fats and starches.”

Just before Mother’s Day, on May 9, the group delivered over 200 navy bean soup kits to low income residents in the Houston area.

At one apartment complex coordinated by Wakiti Muhammad who serves as campaign director over on-site logistics, the volunteers dispersed with the kits using an “Instacart or Door Dash” method.Volunteers wore appropriate protective gear and followed current safety protocols.

At another location when the women came out of their homes a display of beautifully packaged bags for them to retrieve were set up near the manager’s office for selected residents to pick up. Attorney Sadiyah Karriem supervised the food giveaway area to ensure all stayed within the guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), local government authorities, and the organization’s own internal policies concerning health and safety of their volunteers.

Those that received the navy bean soup kit were visibly emotional, touched and their remarks indicated that most of them were appreciative that during this worldwide pandemic their lives mattered to someone and that their health was so thoughtfully considered.

he kit was also designed and distributed in honor of Sister Pamela Muhammad, a member of the Nation of Islam who passed due to Covid-19.

Queendom Come Inc., sends a special note of thanks to all community partners and businesses that supported this effort: Action CDC, Divine Creations, The Goodbrothers Elite Transportation Services, Muhammad Mosque No. 45, MGT and GCC, Kaja Couture, The Elevated Places, Wendy Muhammad, Virtue Magazine, Ultimate Wellness Group, Manns Law Offices PLLC, Alan Rosen Harris County Pct. 1 Constable’s Office and every person who donated. For more information on Queendom Come Inc., their campaign and how you can help, visit:, Facebook @myqueendomecom and Instagram @queendom_com_inc.