National News

Million Man March reflections and thoughts from two Nation of Islam pioneers

By Starla Muhammad | Last updated: Oct 16, 2009 - 10:47:24 AM

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As the 2009 Holy Day of Atonement approaches, also marking the 14th anniversary of the historic Million Man March, the significance of the continued rise, elevation and development of the Nation of Islam as seen through the eyes of long time helpers and companions of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan serve as an important foundation that inspires younger Muslims. It is this foundation that continues to serve as a catalyst to propel forward, the mission, vision and philosophy of these two great servants of God.

Evelyn Muhammad
Mother Evelyn Muhammad, a wife of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and one of the few women who witnessed the Million Man March firsthand in Washington, D.C. said she is still in awe when she thinks about that special day reflecting on the sea of Black men standing shoulder to shoulder from the Capitol stretching back to the Washington Monument and beyond. Looking ahead to this year's Holy Day of Atonement in Memphis, Mother Evelyn shared how pleased she is with the progress and growth she has witnessed within the Nation of Islam.

“It's a blessing to be living in this day to see the Nation of Islam out front,” she told The Final Call. She thanked the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for traveling the world and being an example and representative of what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught the descendants of slaves in America. Mother Evelyn shared her hope to see a similar coming together of Black men, to combat the increased youth violence taking place in so many cities around the country.

“A change is going to come one way or another,” said Mother Evelyn. “Allah is God and He will be successful.”

Nation of Islam pioneer Abdul Wahid Muhammad, from a unique perspective has been able to watch the growth and development of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam since he first stood with the Minister in 1977 in Los Angeles, California, to help him rebuild. The long time follower of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and companion of Minister Farrakhan's for over 40 years, feels a renewal of the pledge taken by participants in the Million Man March is needed to become more unified and rejuvenated as the 14th anniversary of the march nears.

“I think we should all recommit ourselves with the covenant from the Million Man March to help us become more qualified with Allah.”

As the Million Man March focused on the much needed uplifting and elevation of Black men, Brother Wahid also encouraged all those who attended to internalize the guidance Minister Farrakhan gave 14 years ago and “apply it to a global perspective” which is in line with what The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught, he said.

A.Wahid Muhammad
Brother Wahid, was with Minister Farrakhan in Los Angeles in September 1977 along with Brother Jabril Muhammad when the minister stood back up to rebuild the work of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. Brother Wahid says he thanks Allah daily for Minister Farrakhan as he continues a magnificent and life saving work. “My prayers have been answered. What else can I do but help,” he told The Final Call. He added his appreciation for being blessed to witness the Million Man March, Million Family March and Millions More Movement over the past decade.