On The CIA And Christian Missionaries
Establishing a direct link between missionaries, US AID, the CIA and
other intelligence agencies like the NSA, is not a very difficult task.
The question for the Black electorate, in the Western Hemisphere and
Africa is how such a history impacts on the monopoly of thought that
Christian Solidarity International has obtained over the issue of the
Sudan, influencing members of the US Congress and the British
parliament, as well as White Conservatives and Black Civil Rights
The recent emergence of the relationship between the
mainstream media, elected officials, White conservatives, Black civil
rights leaders, a Sudanese opposition group (SPLA/M), and a Christian
human rights organization, Christian Solidarity International (CSI),
caused us to reflect over a long history of covert relationships
between US and foreign intelligence agencies and Christian
missionaries. One of the best examples of such was the relationship
between the famous Wycliffe Bible Translators and the CIA. The
relationship was documented in a book, Thy Will Be Done,
written in the 1990s.
According to Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett, the
association between the intelligence community and Christian
missionaries predates the public emergence of the CIA. In Thy Will Be
Done, they write of the Wycliffe Bible Translator's (also known as
the Summer Institute of Linguistic -SIL) and its founder William Cameron
Townsend's (also known as "Cam") association with the intelligence
"This was not the first time that SIL had served U.S.
government intelligence purposes during the war. In 1942, after
discussions in Washington with "some men who are interested in
furthering good will between our countries", Cam specifically requested
SIL's Mexico City office to solicit reports from "any of our workers who
may have observed efforts on the part of anyone to make the Indians
think that Americans are not their friends." Cam's directive ended with
a message, "Please give my regards to Mr. Lockett in case you should see
him in this connection." Thomas Lockett, commercial attach�', was Cam's
confidential contact at the embassy after Ambassador Daniels departed in
1941. Lockett carried out intelligence missions for Washington,
identifying suspected Nazi sympathizers and their companies for (Adolf)
Berle and (Nelson) Rockefeller. SIL was one of his intelligence sources.
"SIL had helped gather anthropological information on
the Tarascan Indians that ended up in Nelson Rockefeller's intelligence
files. The files contained cross-references to reveal behavioral
patterns among Indian peoples in everything from socialization
(including aggressive tendencies) and personality traits, drives,
emotions, and language structure, to political intrigue, kinship ties,
traditional authority, mineral resources, exploitation, and labor
relations. Rockefeller called these data the Strategic Index of Latin
While the majority of SIL or the Wycliffe Bible
translators work with the intelligence agencies took place in Latin
America they also worked hand in hand with the CIA in Asia,
"As souls ascended to heaven in the flight against
Satan, many clergy became direct collaborators with the CIA. One member
of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) was proud of this
collaboration. William Carlsen, a missionary in northeastern Thailand,
considered it " a privilege to share information with responsible
agencies of the government where they seek us out." Carlsen gave an
eight-hour briefing to the CIA on Thailand's tribal areas when he
returned home for a furlough. Most C&MA missionaries did likewise,
according to a CIA source. Most of the information gleaned was about
people, their actions, opinions, and grievances."
Interestingly, the link between the CIA and missionary
groups was quite often the US Agency for International Development
(AID). This is written of in great detail in Thy Will Be Done:
" William Cameron Townsend watched the controversy over
the CIA's use of missionaries with curiosity and growing alarm. The
CIA's penetration of religious missions, an issue previously overlooked
by the media, was now, in 1975, making international headlines.
" The story had been building since 1970, when Dr. Eric
Wolfe, chair of the American Anthropological Association's ethics
committee, explained how anthropologists had been manipulated through
the Chiang Mai Tribal Research Center in northern Thailand, which was
funded through the Agency for International Development (AID). He also
revealed that American missionary organizations had been drawn into this
counterinsurgency operation as well.
"That June, President Nixon's director of AID, John
Hannah, had admitted publicly that AID had funded CIA operations in
Laos, and subsequent revelations pointed to CIA-AID collaboration in
Ecuador, Uruguay, Thailand and the Philippines. These revelations could
hurt all missionary efforts, but the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL)
was particularly vulnerable. Cam Townsend had been aggressively pursuing
government funding for his Bible translators for decades, first from
foreign governments and then from his own government. The amendment to
the 1949 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act that allowed
religious missions to take surplus U.S. government property abroad had
even been called "Townsend's bill" in some congressional circles. By the
1960s, SIL was receiving a hefty income from AID indirectly through
foreign governments that received U.S. foreign aid or directly through
AID-funded programs in bilingual education and agricultural development
cooperatives. This income was supplemented by surplus military
equipment, including helicopters that were retired from Vietnam and
donated to SIL. Evangelized pilots of these choppers became soldiers for
Christ in the tradition of Dawson Trotman's Navigators. In Peru, after
the nationalization of Standard Oil, the head of the U.S. Embassy's AID
office even became a member of SIL."
Establishing a direct link between missionaries, US AID,
the CIA and other intelligence agencies like the NSA, is not a very
difficult task. The question for the Black electorate, in the Western
Hemisphere and Africa is how such a history impacts on the monopoly of
thought that Christian Solidarity International has obtained over the
issue of the Sudan, influencing members of the US Congress and the
British parliament, as well as White Conservatives and Black Civil
Rights leaders?
And finally, what does all of this have to do with President Bush's new
appointment to head US AID, Andrew Natsios and his decision, this month,
to make Mr. Natsios the special humanitarian coordinator to monitor aid
deliveries in Sudan?
We were intrigued by President Bush's recent emphasis on
making sure that aid deliveries reached the people of the Sudan as
opposed to being stolen and misappropriated by the Sudanese government.
We were interested in President Bush's comments because it has been
documented by many human rights groups and even the US government that
it has been the SPLA, the Sudanese opposition group, that has been
foremost in stealing foreign aid, food and resources before they reach
the Sudanese people. Again, human rights groups have documented this
information and provided it to the White House and members of the US
Congress. But Republicans and Democrats alike, have done and said
Not surprisingly, Christian Solidarity International,
who works hand in hand with the SPLA in arranging its "slavery
redemptions", has been silent on such abuses, as have all of those in
the anti-slavery coalition in America. The missionary and human rights
work of Christians in the Sudan seems to dovetail rather nicely with the
foreign policy objectives of the US and Britain in that part of Africa.
A coincidence?
Natsios' work in the
Sudan continue US AID's tradition of "counterinsurgency" work? And
what is there to be learned of the relationship between US AID and CSI?
There is so much more to this "slavery" in the Sudan
issue than most imagine�
(Cedric Muhammad is the Publisher of
a publication that focuses on the dynamics of Black culture,
economics and politics.)