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January 28, 2000 I live in Durham, North Carolina, the same city where Dr. John Hope Franklin lives; thus, he is the Duke University Professor of Emeritus who chaired the presidential committee race relations evaluation team a few years ago. Dr. Franklin is a great historian who has focused his life research on United States History. I tried numerous of times to reach Dr. Franklin during the race relations conferences to advise him that he needed to focus his initial assessment on the effects of European colonialism, in particular the psychological, social, spiritual, and monetarily impact this process had on destroying the natural African family model. And to understand that 310 years of chattel slavery had to be one of the main discussions in order to dismantle overt and covert racist symbols and the various behaviors associated with such long standing system. Dr. Franklin is perhaps close to ninety years old and has spent the majority of his life as a research academician who did not have a solid background in social activism. I also wanted to tell Dr. Franklin that he needed to advise the president on the necessity of granting the sons and daughters of slavery reparations and to lobby on the side of John Conyers who has a bill on the table to study reparations for Africans in this country. Race relations continues to deteriorate because there has never been a true debate on race and we are in dire need of one in the year of 2000. And in my opinion this the only way the race barriers can adequately be dealt with. Fahim Knight January 28, 2000 I see the citizens of this nation on a death course, as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan says. Many Black people in this nation have found satisfaction in the continual oppression of African people. Too often, these same white people will wish to avoid this question of whether or not the race relations in this nation will get better or continue in the deplorable manner that they are in now (and have been in for years). Black people, collectively, have to unite amongst themselves BEFORE any attempt at some of us trying to unite with others. There are some serious problems in our communities that require the action of all of us, and not some of us, while the rest of us run off to rub elbows with other people. A concerted effort is extremely necessary in order for us to get out of the lethargy that we are in now, and have been in for so long. Until all Black people can embrace the concept of a 'working' unity (which means that despite what we believe in individually, we all recognize our commonalities) before any attempt at unifying with others. When this is done, and we are respected for this unification, then we can deal with uniting with others and then working on race relations in this country and in this world.
Tarik Salaam January 28, 2000 The U. S. Government is doing all that it can during this time of the "greatest economic expansion in history" to keep a lid on white America's innate racist desire to strike out at and destroy that which it fears most; sober, intelligent, educated and responsible Black Men. That's why our communities continue to be flooded with drugs and guns (which they're now trying to retrieve) and disease while we're being fed the lie that things have never been better and have nothing to fear. In reality, white America knows that it will soon be a "minority" in America and once Wall Street goes through a "correction" (the bubble bust initiating an economic meltdown leading to a depression that will make the crash of '29 seem like a mild recession), all hell will break loose and what we feared would happen with Y2K will take place; ie...Anarchy. Black America is being primed for slaughter. It is high time we receive our reparations and separate ourselves, physically, mentally, culturally and politically, from these people and create our own autonomous and self sufficient nation. Terrence Moore January 29, 2000 Judging from my personal experience in the United Kingdom. Race relations regarding black progress is one winding road, as long as the black man is compelled to cling to the rails of crime in order to sustain a living. As long and as long as the sycophants, continue to mislead there innocent brothers. There will be very little help for the black race. But if we can come together and encourage the young ones to emulate the likes of Colin Powell, John Cochraine, and indeed The Grand Minister himself - Brothers and sister hope for better race relations lies in our hands. Derek Oyibo January 29, 2000 As Salaam Alaikum! I believe race relation will improve by religious interaction and God's power. Karl A. Muhammad January 29, 2000 I believe the state of race relations is on the decline due to a covert and obvious racist mentality displayed in our law enforcement departments throughout the country. As well as the disproportionate funding of public schools in affluent neighborhoods verses impoverished neighborhoods. The only justice we as black, brown, and red people will receive is that which we provide ourselves. Antione Muhammad January 29, 2000 To be honest, when dealing with race relationships in the U.S., the way I feel is simple. I do not see it getting better or worse just different, meaning different periods of times have a way of showing the hatred or misunderstanding of the situation. However, if one looks closely at it, the situation may be dealt with differently but in a manner that's similar to the way it was done before. Larry January 30, 2000 We live in a world ruled by hatred and fear, and unless we can learn to love and not fear with the help of God and not hate each other because of the color of ones skin, the problem of racism will continue to exist. Jorel Byssainthe January 30, 2000 I believe that special interest people don't want peace or race relations to improve. There would be less sales in weapons and we wouldn't have enemies to cast fear into the people hearts. Governments would have to be more accountable for their actions. I don't believe that the government in this country want peace throughout the world. There is too much money and power involved. I believe the answer is in the Atonement Process, Prayer and doing what we sincerely believe is right in GOD'S presence and challenging fear other than the fear of GOD. Charles Bean January 30, 2000 Race relations will only get worse because of one thing---the media's portrayal of African people. More and more emphasis is being placed on the negative stereotypes and less on the positive. The news programs and the entertainment industry has 'white washed' all images that we see across television screens. In my own experience whites have become more and more arrogant towards people of color and to them African American thoughts and dreams are miniscule. Van January 30, 2000 As someone looking in from the outside, I can tell you that the pernicious evil of racism has a stranglehold over every institution, bar none, in America. The state of race relations in America is a mindset governed and shaped by the status quo with the help of willing acolytes. This situation can be reversed. The prescribed medicine is spiritual, moral and ethical behavior. This war starts from within. The casualties of this war are all around us in the form of despair, homelessness, teenage pregnancies, unemployment, homosexuality, murder and the cowardice of our supposed 'leaders'. Thank God for Minister Louis Farrakhan. Upright, strong, moral and a true fighter. Ralph Daley January 30, 2000 I believe that we are being misled to believe that we are moving toward a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi racial nation. In reality we are deceived. I would ask all so-called Black Leaders to make up their minds. Either we as Black People want something of our own, or we should just submit as other ethnic groups do. The people of this nation will not let us as Black People have it both ways. I want something of our own. Not just singers, clowns and man-child athletes. Stop driving us crazy! Kenneth R. Kelly January 30, 2000 The state of race relations in the United States has not changed. As long as there is white supremacy in the US, there will be no change. The only change that can occur in race relations in the US is by way of separating both mentally and physically from white supremacy. We must be able, as a group of conscious individuals, to become totally self-sufficient in a righteous manner. I am convinced that there is no other way for us to acquire life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness under the mentally- ill white supremacist. Marilyn James January 31, 2000 Race relations in this country have improved, but we have not really come that far. One reason is because a lot of the "old guard" that tried to uphold segregation are still among us, i.e., Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, etc. Once people of this "good ole days" mindset are gone, you will see some improvement. Maria Ceasar January 31, 2000 With so much of today's topics trying to address the race problems of the world, most of us have no clue were to begin. Some of us look to the government, politicians, unlearned spiritual teachers etc. The solution lies in a people with the proper knowledge, wisdom, leadership and understanding of the religious system we were created. The religious world must become one in truth and understanding to bring about a color blind world. NO SYSTEM WILL WORK UNTIL GOD'S PEOPLE ARE IN OBEDIENCE WITH HIS LAWS. Gerald Yancy January 31, 2000 White America is in deep denial. Just look at what's going on in south Carolina. they say it's their heritage. Harold Evans January 31, 2000 Only limited progress has been made. Mostly window dressing. Dwaine Spurlin January 31, 2000 Race relations in the U.S. cannot get better because racism is hiding a much larger truth. Racism is just a tool that is used to deny equal access to the American economy. Human beings are basically the same. Racism is designed to make minorities feel inferior so they are programmed to believe that they cannot achieve the same level of success as their counterparts. Only when economic power is amassed will their be any semblance of improvement between the races. Bruce E. Blackman January 31, 2000 I think true race relations will eventually be established when the human family will began to liberate their minds and hearts of White Supremacy. As soon as we destroy the grafted mentality of White Supremacy that even affected our people's relationship with the Creator, we will be on an equal footing. As long as we fail to address these issues, racism will always poison the atmosphere. Zuberi Shabazz February 01, 2000 I believe whites nor blacks are being honest with one another. Until honesty and frank communication is possible, there will always be tension amongst each other. The best relationships I have with Caucasians are the most honest ones. We disagree with each other with respect. My position is clear; I love first my people and I try to respect others. I don't have 2 faces for Caucasians; the rich ones nor the poor ones. By Allah's Grace, I know who I am and I don't shy away from that in front of them. Tara Muhammad February 02, 2000 Race relations between blacks and whites are better than when I was born; 1930. However, now we have to contend with several different racial groups who are later comers to this nation. There is no guarantee that we will fare better with them, but we must try to 'get along'. We need a new economic strategy and the well and best educated within, 'The Nation,' are most able to supply such an economic plan. This is the new challenge to those within the planning stage of the Nation. Cassana Nablisi February 02, 2000 Racism has gotten more subtle, therefore more dangerous. Often Blacks are used against Blacks, thus, making it more difficult to define certain actions as racist, based upon the classical definition. However, the name of the game is the same, to maintain power & control in the hands of White males, who now act THROUGH their Black, Hispanic, Asian & other minority agents &/or proxies. Oliver Tucker February 02, 2000 I feel that we are a very definite divided society, created from a design established many years ago. Our differences have become more than our similarities. Those who choose to assimilate, do so without the knowledge of knowing that they put themselves on a island not to be accepted truly by any of the two cultures. Yet, I am cool with it, I dig being a professional Blackman living in the hood. I appreciate my Black neighbors as well, I DON'T WANT To INTEGRATE! I have major issues with disproportionate distribution of wealth, Where is my 30 acres oh yea? and the mule. Oliver Rayzer February 02, 2000 UNTIL MAN CHANGES HIS WAY OF THINKING, WE ARE DOOMED TO BE LOST. William Muhammad February 02, 2000 I think they are in a horrible state. As long as people like Louis Farrakhan continue their reverse racist agenda in this country they will not improve. My wife is a teacher in a 95% black school. She works very hard for 25 5th grade kids, all but three of whom are black. She constantly struggles with these children's behavior problems. She has to work to educate these children on things they should have learned in 4th grade and before. What reward does she get? These children pass notes about her in class, calling her a racist because she is fed up with some of these children and is no longer giving them 2nd chances for their behavior. These children have no role models other than the thugs and gangsters they see on MTV and BET, and have no discipline other than that given to them by my wife and other teachers and school administrators. When these children are presented with a positive role model like my wife, other blacks teach them that she is a racist because she is white, or successful black people like David Robinson or Will Smith, they are told that these people are "sell-outs" and have gone "white" because they are successful and don't speak with the horrible mangling of the English language we call Ebonics. As long as this continues and is encouraged by people like Farrakhan, race relations will NEVER improve in our country, and no amount of mandatory hiring of minorities, cultural appreciation classes, and reverse racism can change that. Jentry Thomason February 03, 2000 Some things progress at their own rate. Nothing can be said or done to speed up the conditions we experience. Everyday we face a different task that is no different from the last. We have to overcome it as well. There are millions of problems that cannot be solved. Racism is just one of them. It may seem like a major issue because we concern ourselves with it ignorantly. I'd like to realize an entirely different psychological approach altogether. John Hopkins February 03, 2000 It is my humble opinion that race relations will continue to decline as long as we continue to ask our slave master for food, clothing and shelter. Pharaoh's heart is hardening and he will continue to snatch back the crumbs he has given us and take every opportunity to mistreat us. Which is why we must separate and do for self as the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us. Faheemah Farooq February 03, 2000 I think that the state of race relations in the United States are exactly how the majority of white America would like it. I do think that the only way for black America to overcome this defeating situation is to turn within as the article states. In order to do this we must first realize who we are and our purpose on Earth. Greg Dockery February 03, 2000 Race relations in America is better than it was thirty years ago, even twenty. The problem isn't with "white people" or any other conspiracy theories that are dreamt up, but is simply in the fact that there are people who can't get over the past. I don't believe for one minute that the majority of people living in today's society should be made to feel constantly guilty over something that most of their ancestors had nothing to do with. There will have to come a time, when we as a people will simple have to put to rest what has happened to our predecessors and move forward making a brighter future and thus a history for generations to come. I'm tired of seeing a plethora of black athletes, musicians and prison inmates, but a dearth of black doctors, lawyers and business owners. Nothing, not one thing can stop people from achieving. If this were true, Asian immigrants and their offspring would be doomed in this country. Yet generally, they outperform other students Instead of addressing issues that are plaguing the "black" community, we continue to press away at this "racism" that is supposed to be stopping our people from moving forward and achieving. To think that any rational person (white, black or otherwise) would support any measure that would call for reparations for people who were never slaves is absurd. I don't believe in any sort of forced separation of the "races". America is still segregated, the majority of you can look to your neighbors, mosques, churches and friends to see that. But until we wake up and realize that it's not anyone else's problem but our own, the worst will still be yet to come. Ronald Bronson, Jr. February 03, 2000 I feel strongly that race relations in the us will improve for Hispanics and Asians. However I believe white Americans will still be enforcing white supremacist thinking knowingly and unknowingly. Not much has changed in the eyes of most blacks and whites in reality, true a few have bigger slices than before however so do whites and more Hispanics and other non-black minorities are moving into the states. This must awaken our minds to ways in which to establish black strongholds in the cities and country sides and pursue dual citizenship in black African nations. A status afforded many other ethnic groups. White supremacy still marches on all our backs. There are ways to combat the daily attacks on our psyche through building our families initially true economics helps but while black entrepreneurs are out gathering up money for self and other blacks the white establishment still gains our taxes at the end of each year which enables them to fund an education system that holds our youth mentally challenged and athletically overused. We will do ourselves some justice in repairing, strengthening, and establishing our male/female relationships. The time is and always has been for us to spotlight ourselves and improve where we know we can and not wait for others to clean up their behavior this means blacks too. Marke February 03, 2000 I feel as if the effort to end racism is really improving. Attitudes of the past are slowly dying out in cause of the older generation not having as much voice and because of our new generation, we don't have these barriers like we did in the past. I feel as if minorities are kind of hurting themselves for then the white person really is. To be successful, you need an education and I feel they are trying their best. However, they can not blame the white person because we are very active in keeping relations with minorities and trying to make them feel included in our society. But, race relations will get better due to better informed parents actually teaching their children the right way of treating human beings. My grandparents are racist, but both my parents overcame this obstacle and realized what was right and taught me well and I am grateful for that. Since they did this, I feel everyone should get equal rights and I feel the opportunities are out there and we need to go out and pursue them. There are great opportunities out there for all of us, so please make good use of these resources. Race relations in the 21st century will be great. Bryan Shearer February 04, 2000 I think that as long as blacks whimper and whine about racism and oppression from "the man" or whitey, they will continue to get kicked by all the other races. Ed Roy February 04, 2000 The question is not that of race relations but one of continued self hatred. We find ourselves as blacks in the 21 century still hating the fact that we are African. The gains of the last thirty years has done little to change our perceptions of ourselves. We as adults are not teaching our children that we should love ourselves first. Accept our African origins and use that to better our own images. Then race relations will improve. Lionel Hasan February 04, 2000 The State of race relations in America is visible and invisible at the same time. White people understand themselves. And they are able to transform from one personality to another at will. Racism is a sickness and it is also a choice that is made. One can decide to be racist in an instant. Or he can allow the higher thought to prevail and defeat the tendency to be a racist, by killing the thought in the mind first.(EASY) Shaun Houston February 05, 2000 Race relations will never improve as long as the white man lives among us. There history proves that they can not live in peace and harmony with other races. The are the only race of people to organize hate groups. One only needs to read there history to understand that even today they haven't changed. Gale Bey February 05, 2000 I do not believe Race Relations between peoples will improve in the near future because, the peoples who have been gathered here in the United States have brought with them, pre-conceived ideas regarding peoples before they came or arrived here. It was my observation traveling broadly around Africa, Europe and south-Asia, that the White man, had given a 'bad press,' regarding the black man in America. Some people out there confused the white man's skin color with a state of purity, in the eyes of God. Black was determined to be 'wrong' or 'evil'. I feel this was based on missionary teachings regarding what they call, 'sin'. Many of these peoples, spoon-fed on missionary Christianity have now immigrated to the united states, some expecting even slavery to yet exist and to have an availability of black servants. Race Relations is largely a reflection of racist Religious Teachings and beliefs. Cassana M. Nablisi February 05, 2000 The average white person seems unaware that America is falling and many of them are in denial as they continue in their evil ways. In the work place, they maintain cordial and professional behavior towards blacks but can not cover their superior attitudes. And most blacks continue to act inferior. The black race will gain respect from the white race as we become united and support our own. Debra Muhammad February 05, 2000 Race relations will never improve because the Caucasian mentality is to control non-Caucasians and keep them down, squashing opportunities for education and jobs for black people. If they do give us a break it is to serve their own evil intentions somehow. Whoever of us has knowledge, needs to pass that on to any of our own people, who want to learn that, so we can help ourselves and succeed. With ALLAH'S Help, and Patience and the Attitude of "Never Give Up", We Will Succeed. Fatima AL-HAQQ February 06, 2000 The condition of race relations in America is all but gone. We as black people have to let go of our slave masters coat tail because he let go of our hand years ago. Stanley Muhammad February 06, 2000 We will never have better race relations as long as the rules are in favor of Caucasian people. We must level the playing field in order to gain a balance and have control over our own destiny. We must own and control the businesses in our communities. We must have land not a few hundred acres but thousands of acreage and that will help to level the playing field. Mike X Douglas February 06, 2000 Race relations in America are getting better than they have been in the last fifty years...however we must strive to improve them more and more.... Miguel Vieira ![]() |
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