FCN Online People Poll

Do you support the Zero Tolerance policy used in
schools as a deterrent against school violence?



Rev. Jackson
leads thousands
in Decatur
school protest

-FCN (11/23/99)


Zero Tolerance

I support, wholeheartedly, a policy of zero tolerance and have no problem with it whatsoever.

I feel the same way about crime; ZERO TOLERANCE!!
But, just as I would not send a man to prison for running a red light, I would not expel a student from school for two years just for fighting. The fact that no one was seriously injured has nothing to do with my position because they were not trying to keep from injuring one another.

Opposers might say that the two things (running red lights and fighting) don't compare. And there may be some truth to that, depending on ones perception, and, therefore, his predisposition. But, somehow I sense a spirit operating here which seems to disregard the interest of the seven students who where expelled from school. What about their education? The "Cop-out" that they (the children) don't seem to be very interested in their own education will not fly because we, as adults with the ability to look into their futures, are supposed to know that education is still their best bet for becoming productive citizens, so as not to cause even more problems later on.

And at this point I just don't agree that they need to be sacrificed for the sake of the rest of the students. There is nothing there which promises greater danger in the future because of what happened that night. 
So, "ZERO TOLERANCE," yes. By all means!!  Just make the punishment fit the crime.

Herman Lee Sanders, Jr.

PS I don't want to think, either, that the local school district is taking the position, at the expense of the seven children, that they are going to show Jesse Jackson that he cannot tell them what to do. 
The stakes are too high to play such a game.
In this case, Jesse is right. So, let the children win!

The crucial need for Atonement

In a society that glorifies violence in almost every aspect, it is hypocritical to strike at the effect of violence and not at the cause. In this country, the youth are raised to look up to violent figures whether they are football players, wrestlers, gangsters etc. A zero tolerance policy that blankets all offenders with suspension is unjust. Like the notorious "3 strikes" policy the zero tolerance policy seems to be nothing more than a excuse to throw black youths out of school instead of using effective measures to prevent the need of such rules such as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's 8 steps of Atonement and his book A Torchlight For America. The American school system is going to Hell and we need independent Black schools to train our youths. 

Joshua A. Muhammad
Tucson, Arizona


I overwhelmingly support Zero Tolerance in school. Many public schools, including some private schools have become a haven for thugs.  Schools are not simply ground for education, but also ground for moral discipline.

Students must be prompt to school; must not be shabbily dressed; must not smoke, drink or use drugs; Students must not bring any weapon to school.  Any violation of school's rules must lead to severe discipline or termination. 

It is time our children recognize the absolute truth that "In God We Trust".  Any trust in man or materialism ends in disappointment and failure.
God is eternal, and when children are taught to love their neighbors as themselves, they will have no use for guns, drugs, alcohol, or any form of delinquency.


Non-support of school's zero tolerance

I want to first thank you for allowing me to comment.

I feel that the school systems' zero tolerance is used by systems nationwide to legally ban African-Americans (particularly males) from public schools. But just as the Honorable Minister Farrakhan states, we as African-American parents should wake up and be responsible for our own children's' education.

I was forced to take my five-year old son out of a public schools'
elementary class and teach him at home after a teacher injured him and denied doing so. Charges are still pending in relation to my son's
injuries, but he seems to be doing fine in "home school" and I feel more comfortable teaching him not only the math and reading skills he will definitely need throughout his lifetime but to also inform him of his own history, culture and ancestors. It saddens me, though, to think that it took this bad situation to force me to do what I and all of us should be doing of our own free will.

Yvonne Allen
Stop the Violence Tour of the Nation
SOS Violence Awareness Museum and Center for Social Change
[email protected]

Comment On Zero Tolerance
Date: 11/27/1999

We are made in the image and likeness of Allah which should be
exemplified in our character. Without Allah's tolerance of our
imperfections, the universe would be void of human beings. Intolerance
is characteristic of a self-righteous hypocrite.

Abdulnoor Muhammad
Houston, Texas

Zero tolerance in schools
Date: 11/28/1999

As-Salaam Alaikum: Zero tolerance in school is a good thing only if there is zero tolerance in the world. This is a world that is based on white supremacy, so in the process of Zero tolerance our people, being the darker people of the world, especially the black people will be the number one sufferers of this policy. This response could go on for pages because Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad raised one from among us the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who taught one that would be present also at the end time the Minister Louis Farrakhan Muhammad by the grace of Allah, who is teaching us that which he was taught. This allows us a rejected people to be able to think now on a beginning level of little saviors concerning any concept that jeopardizes a people.

Maurice Muhammad,
Athens, Ga.

Zero Tolerance

Young people make mistakes. They should be given counseling and some type of community service to help them realize their mistakes and learn from them. 

Keith Hinton

Zero Tolerance?

Although I believe that a strict policy has benefits, I really feel that the
school system has failed our youth. Too often, teachers are telling
children "weather you learn or not, I still get paid". School is no longer
a place with children's best interest in mind. Very often, an environment is created for children to behave the way these did. I have not fully read all articles regarding the circumstances of the confrontation however, with half dress cheerleaders, competitive hype, special favors given to athletes anything is possible. This incident should have been handled with a reprimand however, I firmly believe that this one show no real interest for the reform and success of these children.

Carla Bristol,
St. Petersburg, FL


It would be blissful to live in a world where there was zero tolerance for
violence. Unfortunately, we do not, and furthermore, neither do our
children. This is not to say that I condone violence and with recent events in our nation's public schools I understand the uproar. Extremes do not work in American society, to attempt to perpetrate this fraud is insane. Do I have the answers.

Shirrell Baker-Niang

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