FCN Online People Poll
What's your view of the next century and millennium? |
Minister Farrakhan offers a Prayer for Peace for the New Century and Millennium |
January 02, 2000 Bismi'llahir rahmanir rahim. Insha'Allah [God Willing], things will be better. But looking at the world today, I would say that we're in trouble. Yes, we are making advances towards technology at an alarming pace, Al hamdu lillah, but I think we're moving too fast. We still have a myriad of jihads to deal with. I say that this century should be one of amends, and of healing. Michael R. Grens January 02, 2000 If at the beginning of the last century you and I had predicted the bloodshed and tyranny of the 20th century we would probably have been condemned as doomsayers, alarmists and cranks. At the dawn of this new millennium we live in a world that has the capacity to destroy the physical world many times over. The consolidation of big business worldwide has marginalized the poorer countries, bringing destitution on a scale that is almost unbelievable. The disregard of the general public by their political and spiritual leaders runs unchecked. Even the word 'morality' has taken on a negative meaning by the wicked rulers of the world. Evil is made fair seeming to man. I would like to say that the next century / millennium is going to bring about the peace that this world needs. Unfortunately I do not see this as a possibility. The Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan is a bright shining star in the midst of a wicked world and a wicked people. Minister Farrakhan can lead our people and the world to a better place. The grace of Almighty God has allowed this wonderful man to survive an illness. This second chance at life was not, I believe, for Minister Farrakhan, but for us. Ralph Daley January 03, 2000 Bismi ALLAH AL-RAHMAN AL-RaHIM I believe the Truth will triumph, Believers and Good People will be saved, because we all want the same things. Peace, kindness, caring, trust and honesty are what all good people aim for, sometimes we need a little help, but basically all these things are already in any good person. When we make an effort to change ourselves and things for the better than that will be our safety and ALLAH rewards the good we do .In the Qur'an it says "Good done by anyone is rewarded by ALLAH", therefore a change can come about with sincere change, ALLAHU AKBAR. Fatima AL-HAQQ January 03, 2000 The esteemed historian and sociologist Dr. W.E.B Dubois once stated that the problem of the Twentieth century would be the color line. I believe this truth will be carried over to this new millennium. There has never been a true debate on race and the effect of racism on Black people in particular and people of color in general. We have now moved into an information age where technology has rendered us as a global village. But race still determines social, economic, and political relations. All of humanity could benefit from a world race conference where as the primary discussion evolves around the effects of chattel slavery on African people. And devise a world committee who will offer the entire African community an apology for the ills of slavery and grant Black people reparations. This is the only way this new century will not be determined by the color line. Fahim Knight January 04, 2000 As last decade represented power, control, force and aggression, it is now time to find Allah (God) based on your level of understanding and proceed to exist with a new energy of grace, mercy and compassion. The recognition and coming to terms that there is no thing but by the will and manifestation by Allah. Negative energy WILL NOT exist with this old type of consciousness. Alvinice Muhammad January 04, 2000 According to the Bible things will get worst before they get better and the mind set of man has not changed. So I see the world in a worst state. Ankey January 05, 2000 As-Salaam Alaikum! I think this millennium will mark the the point in time where evil things, already planned, will move quicker. It'll also mark a change in money and how we use it. The so-called New World Order is not full blown yet but credit cards and a cashless society is ever being dangled in front of our eyes. Next stop..."the mark of the beast in our right hands and/or our foreheads." Ronald January 06, 2000 I see the next century as being one that will initially bring about confusion; however in the later millennium more people will become enlightened and righteous. Their circumstance will make them more aware of the presence of God. Ralph Williams January 07, 2000 I am hoping the next millennium will bring about peace and harmony among black people in particular and humanity in general. Rain must fall for corn to grow. Scott Summers
No one knows what the future holds. Only Allah knows what will happen. He knows what we will do before we even do it. That is part of a belief in divine decree. Knowing this it is sad to know that in the Quran and the Hadith of the prophet(saw) he predicts many things that have either already come (homosexual relations, wars and famine) or have yet to come (the coming of Isa (pbuh) and the Dajjal). Our actions have become so predictable that Allah and his prophet (pbuh) is telling us what will happen and we still continue to commit the same acts. I don't see anything that's going to be different in this century than in any other century. Rafeeq Shabazz January 08, 2000 I hope that blacks will begin to understand the true meaning of the right kind of education and quit following tradition. Hopefully we will discover more true facts about the holidays we celebrate and past that learning to out children. We need to stop this foolishness and become the powerful people are ancestors once were. I think it will happen for most of us. Gerald Holland January 08, 2000 There's a song that the Chi-Lites once sung its called "There could never be any Peace Until God is sitting at the Conference Table."..That alone sums it up. Thank You Keith Linder January 08, 2000 I pray that the new century will be a blessing for the righteous and the total destruction for the wicked, seen and unseen. Tifoon January 08, 2000 As Salaam Alaikum I truly believe that we are living in the time in which the power of the devil is broken. We must began to live by the power of righteous thinking and actions according to the will of Allah, then and only then will true peace be granted. Constance Muhammad January 09, 2000 Since 1555, Black people every where have been at the bottom of the pyramid, now it's the new the year 2000 and frankly we've had enough of our situation. It took a war to relieve the Jews of a grave tragedy, well I call our present position a grave one also, and our generation is the one that will make it happen. Shaw January 09, 2000 I think there will be more violence and more people being more open about how they feel about different races. The hate will be displayed more by white hate groups and I think that more of the darker colored people will try to be at peace with each other and band together, I hope. Regina Sullivan Date: January 09, 2000 I think as the days get shorter and shorter, many people today are being very protective of themselves and their families. The more the media plays a role in the "Y2K" hype, the world will forever be on alert. I think we will see the black community come together and try to work as a people. I also think the Government of America will have to start recognizing the importance of respect for the people. Jervy D. Muhammad January 09, 2000 I believe that this is the century that holds the generation that will not pass away until the end time predictions are fulfilled. I further believe that there was a test initiated in the" Garden Of Eden" that man could govern himself without the aid of God and the resulting condition of mankind is due to his failed attempt. Jesus will return to set up a kingdom ruled by the will of God. AMEN Bruce E. Blackman ![]() |