We should always remember Patrice Lumumba
by Dr. Conrad Worrill
Guest Columnist
As we
prepare to attend and participate in the United Nations World Conference
Against Racism that will be held in Durban, South Africa from Aug.
31-Sept. 7, it is important that we remember significant events and
leaders in African history. One such leader that should always be
remembered is Patrice Lumumba.
Lumumba was rooted in his determination to fight against the forces of
the European world in the most turbulent period of the history of the
Congo. We should commemorate the birthday of this late, great African
leader, who stood against all the forces in the European world and the
African world who were steadfast in their efforts to stop the real
Independence Movement of the people of the Congo. It is important for us
to understand that those who stand and fight against the evil of the
European world take on a serious task and challenge. Herein lies the
legacy of Patrice Lumumba.
He was
born July 2, 1925 in Katako Kombe, a small village in a remote area of
the African continent, then referred to as the Congo. Born to a family
of five and educated by missionaries, he was able to cast off the
domination of European influences on his life and relate to the
interests of the masses of Congolese people.
At an
early age, he recognized the need to develop the kind of skills
necessary to become an active participant in the African Liberation
struggle. In his efforts to develop his skills, Patrice had a variety of
work experiences that included his being employed in a hospital and a
post office, which gave him greater insights into the overall oppression
of the Congolese people. The more contact Patrice had with the European
world, the more he developed the kind of political consciousness that
made him one of the most important leaders in the African Independence
As a
result of his participation as the secretary in the Liberal Party of the
Congo and his efforts to talk with the Belgian officials, Lumumba was
able to see that independence and freedom for his people would not come
through the efforts of the Liberal Party or negotiations with the
Europeans. His outspokenness and determination to find a vehicle to free
the Congolese people led to his being sentenced to two years in prison.
his prison sentence was cut short, upon his release, the Belgian
colonialists, along with their African servants, attempted to isolate
Patrice from the growing independence movement of the masses of the
December of 1958, Patrice was invited to a conference of African nations
hosted by Kwame Nkrumah in Accra, Ghana. It was through this conference
that Patrice began to establish contact with the leaders of the
Liberation Movements in other African countries. From this point, the
Liberation Movement in the Congo escalated to the point that the Belgian
government decided to grant the Congolese people their so-called freedom
on June 30, 1960.
At the
Independence Day Ceremony on June 30, while his African movement friends
were thanking the Belgians for granting them their independence, it is
said that Lumumba became enraged. He grabbed the microphone and told his
people that the colonization of the Congo was nothing other than the
domination of the European world over the African world. He went on to
point out that the humiliating system of slavery, which was imposed upon
the African people of the Congo by European forces, was done because
they were African. This statement by Patrice Lumumba caused the white
world and their African servants to conspire in the next year to find a
way to get rid of this most courageous spokesman for the interests of
the Congolese people.
Lumumba was assassinated on January 17, 1961 at the hands of African
mercenaries working in the interests of the Europeans through the United
States and the CIA. This fact was recently revealed in Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney�s International Relations Hearings.
Before his
death, Lumumba wrote a letter to his wife that signified the essence of
his involvement in the struggle to free his people. Patrice wrote, in
"I want my
children, who I leave behind and perhaps will never see again, to be
told that the future of the Congo is beautiful and that their country
expects them, as it expects every Congolese, to fulfill the sacred task
of rebuilding on our independence, our sovereignty, for without justice
there is no dignity and without independence there are no free men. � Do
not weep for me, my companion, I know that my country, now suffering so
much, will be able to defend its independence and freedom."
conclusion, we can say that the external enemies (or the enemies from
without) and internal enemies (or the enemies from within) led to the
demise and death of Patrice Lumumba. But, fortunately, his legacy lives
on. The challenge to all of us organizing to participate in the United
Nations World Conference Against Racism is to fight to insure that this
conference is a success. A success in the name of our ancestors, like
Patrice Lumumba.
Worrill is the national chairman of the National Black United Front in
Chicago. He may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected]. For more
information visit his website at www.nbufront.org)