The Final Call Online Edition



WEB POSTED 11-07-2001




Religious leaders challenged to speak truth, lead humanity back to God

by Eric Ture Muhammad
Staff Writer

NEW YORK (�Called a transitional point in human history, leaders from the world over who are concerned about the future of humanity gathered at the Hilton Hotel Oct. 19-21 in mutual consideration of how to resolve problems. "The Search for Solutions to Critical Global Problems, Global Violence: Crisis and Hope" was sponsored by the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP) and World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations. The Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon founded the groups.

The events of Sept. 11 have thrust the world into a crisis of significant proportion, and the solutions necessary are not simply political or military in nature, according to IIFWP leaders. It is their view that the family unit is the most fundamental social institution and a nation�s well-being is predicated on the well-being of a nation�s families.

"The tragedies that took place in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania on Sept.11 truly shocked the entire world. Along with the concern over peace and safety, we came to reflect upon fundamental and serious questions of modern civilization and future of humankind," said Rev. Moon during his Oct. 20 Founder�s Address.

"Throughout history, human beings have continuously aspired for world peace. However, that dream has never been realized. We can look back at the end of the Cold War, at which time fierce political and military conflicts and struggles concluded. Many people expected that the long-awaited era of peace and stability would arrive based on the foundation of highly developed science.

"Nonetheless, we came to realize that conflict, hatred and selfish desire are imbedded deeply within each of us and are still active. These are creating ever more serious disasters in new shapes and forms. Violence wreaked upon innocents is certainly an inhumane criminal act, and it must be stopped," he said.

During the conference luncheon Oct. 20, the thousands in attendance heard a keynote address by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. In the presence of hundreds of world religious leaders, ambassadors and former heads of state, the Nation of Islam leader gave what many called the most frank, to-the-point presentation they had ever heard.

"Let me say how happy and honored I am to be a part of this wonderful conference, to be in the presence of so many men and women whose mission in life is to improve the human family and bring us closer to what Almighty God intended when he created the human being," began Min. Farrakhan.

"I would like to see the United States of America escape the history of her great sister nations that went before her. None of the great empires and nations of yesterday are with us today because they became great on certain principles, but where their practice violated those principles those great nations and empires fell," he said.

"There have been many nations of great superior economic and military power. But neither economic nor military power can maintain a nation and give it perpetuity," he said.

The Minister explained his own spiritual journey and how and why he became a Muslim follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He offered rationale and context to the struggle of Black America, challenged religious leaders to stand for God and fear God alone, and avoid capitulation to Satan.

"As religious and spiritual teachers, we must speak straight words. Diplomacy has its place, but in a time like this, maybe diplomacy will cause us to fudge on telling the truth because, sometimes, we wish to be accepted. We want the media to report us nicely and we would like a slap on the back and someone saying �that was a great speech,�" the Minister said. "But if it is truth mixed with falsehood, if it is cowardice couched in religion, then we have failed in our assignment.

"To me, in an hour like this, the men and women of religion must rise and speak the word of God," he continued.

Quoting from both the Bible and the Holy Qur�an, Min. Farrakhan told the audience that he did not become a Muslim because he was dissatisfied with Jesus Christ, but because the church was not addressing the problem of justice for the Black man and woman of America and the world.

"We could talk about the love of Jesus Christ and practice hatred, and so the most segregated hour was 11 o�clock on Sunday morning," he said, referring to the segregation of church services.

The conference concluded that it was the responsibility of the world�s spiritual leaders and believers to lead the world to peace and remove the impediments of denominationalism, which further divides.

During a private luncheon of congressional and spiritual leaders hosted by Rev. and Mrs. Moon, Rev. Moon told the gatherers that Minister Farrakhan is his friend, but more importantly "is a pure vessel of Islam for Allah."

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