WEB POSTED 10-27-1999

Atonement, reconciliation, responsibility
Holy Day message offers reminder of value, need for spiritual principles behind Million Man March

With the Nation of Islam�s flagship Mosque Maryam filled to capacity, Min. Ishmael Muhammad delivered a rousing address, urging listeners to accept the principles and message of atonement that has become more and more relevant since first issued by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan four years ago at the Million Man March.

Min. Farrakhan�s "message of atonement was mocked and ridiculed. But two years later, three years later, four years later, Atonement and Reconciliation are heard from the lips of the president, from the mouths of those in Congress, on the tongue of those in government. Governments around the world are talking about atonement, reconciliation and responsibility," said Min. Ishmael. The son of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and assistant to Min. Farrakhan at Mosque Maryam prefaced his remarks by saying he was "sharing" the thoughts of Min. Farrakhan, who remains on sabbatical, re-covering from after affects of a prostate cancer treatment.

Min. Farrakhan is 80 percent recovered, has regained weight and a full recovery is expected, Min. Ishmael happily shared with listeners.

"On this Holy Day of Atonement let us recommit ourselves to the pledge we made four years ago," said Min. Ishmael, as he recalled the principles of atonement.

"Let�s clean up our conduct, our behavior, our actions. Let�s clean up our mouths so that we don�t speak an unkind word to another human being or use words that degrade the Black woman. Let�s stop this madness, so that God will show favor on us," he said.

The human family is off the path of God, hating one another and living on the lowest plane of existence, Min. Ishmael said.

"We have not reached the plane of human existence where the human being is morally conscious and socially responsible," he continued, pointing to international strife in Africa, Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world and the horror of modern warfare.

Ethnic hatred is flaring across the globe, Min. Ishmael said.

"How do we break the cycle of hatred? ... The only way to overcome our division is to go to the root, which is Allah, who created us, the heavens, and the earth. And the process by which we heal the wounds that we have inflicted upon each other is the process of atonement."

Min. Ishmael recounted how prior to the Million Man March, Black men were looked upon as the dregs of society, which was reflected in statements by some world leaders.

"The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan warned the Black community on his Stop the Killing Tour, and repeated the warnings as he visited cities for the Men Only Meetings leading up to the Million Man March, that if we did not correct our behavior and stop the senseless violence, brutal killing of one another through gang violence and drug wars�the government through the National Guard was going to move in and kill us wholesale," Min. Ishmael reminded the audience.

Yet, he added, some would reject direction from Min. Farrakhan, a man who has received divine guidance that can benefit Black America and the world. But, Min. Ishmael said, even those naysayers bear witness to biblical scripture that describes Blacks in America as lost sheep and blind, deaf and dumb.

"The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, like Aaron, the brother of Moses, brings us Atonement in the midst of a plague," Min. Ishmael said.

"Let us rediscover our true roots. And our true root is the One, True God and if we go to our true root, then all tribal, racial, ethnic lines of division will disappear and we will become a true family, nation and people under the umbrella of the True God. Of course, the escape and the way out that God has given us comes through a man. So, be sure, as I know you will, to lift up the man through whom God has given us the escape, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan," Min. Ishmael stated.

Min. Ishmael also encouraged everyone to help further the principles of atonement by taking part in the Million Family March.

The Mosque Maryam gathering for the Central Region included several national and local Million Man March organizers, including Reverends James Bevel, James Demus and Maxine Walker, and Father Michael Pfleger. A special video presentation featuring Min. Farrakhan created a roar of approval from the crowd.

Many attendees were brought to joyful tears during the brief video overview of Min. Farrakhan�s vision of the Million Man March and desire for peace for the whole of humanity.

"The healing of the Million Man March was something that was ordained by God, the spirit of the Million Man March was healing, if you had any manner of disease�whether it be physically, mentally, spiritually," said Rev. Maxine Walker. "If you were wrapped up or tied up in the audience, it was a healing for whatever issues were in your life," she said.

"We support the Honorable Louis Farrakhan�s idea for a Million Family March," said Bishop Ki Hoon Kim, Midwest regional director for the Family Federation of World Peace and Unification. "We admire and respect how the Nation of Islam has strong faith and protects their families. This is how God�s people should do, and people should follow this example and practice it in our daily lives," said Bishop Kim.

Regional mosques host Holy Day observances

Across the country regional Holy Day gatherings were held in New York, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Houston and Miami.

Thousands of Muslims from across the East Coast Region of the Nation of Islam descended upon regional headquarters, Muhammad Mosque No. 7 in Harlem, to observe the Holy Day of Atonement.

Many participants including community residents said they came to atone for personal problems and problems that have divided their families and communities.

In his keynote address to the crowd of 2,000 people, East Coast Regional Minister, Benjamin F. Muhammad acknowledged that since the 1995 Million Man March, crime has been sharply reduced in minority communities but he says there is still a lot more work to be done.

"The Day of Atonement is for us to find the common denominator. If Allah is one, we should be one. We should not allow society to reinforce that which separates us," said the Muslim minister, who was recently named national director of next year�s Million Family March.

The Holy Day event held at the First Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem, N.Y. was marked by remarks from Nation of Islam officials and musical entertainment. The event commenced when Muslims from along the entire East Coast were cheered by onlookers as they left Muhammad Mosque No. 7 on an 11-block march through the streets of Harlem to the church.

Sandra Knight a member of the 1st Corinthian Baptist Church told The Final Call that Oct. 16 held great importance. "It�s a day of repentance and forgiveness of your sins. It�s great that we can all just pull together and come on a day like this, and be able to pray together and ask forgiveness�and show each other how much love and kindness is in our hearts."

Muslim-Christian unity in D.C.

Before a packed crowd at the Greater New Hope Baptist Church, Mid-Atlantic Regional Minister Abdul Khadir Muhammad delivered the keynote address, asking the audience to join him in a mission to reform the city of its wicked ways.

Min. Khadir also thanked Rev. Melvin Brown. "Any time a Baptist preacher lets a Muslim minister speak in his church, you know this is a good man," said Min. Khadir. Rev. Brown was happy to extend a warm welcome to the Muslims. He was familiar with the Nation of Islam from his work in Boston, before coming to D.C. "I send special love and prayers to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in light of his spirit of grace and compassion. When everybody else had turned away from Rev. Henry Lyons when he was sent to prison without mercy, Min. Farrakhan sent word to the prison �Don�t let anybody mess with him,� " said Rev. Brown.

In Atlanta, a week of atonement events culminated in a message by Minister Ava Muhammad. The Holy Day was a diverse gathering in preparation for the Million Family March, with those gathered treated to performances by the Japanese Missionary Chorus of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification from Venezuela and Antigua and inspirational songs from Mikiel Ben Israel of the Hebrew Israelite nation.

Among guests were Councilman C.T. Martin; Brenda Cornelius, media relations director for Gov. Roy Barnes; Prince Rahm Ben Israel of the Hebrew Israelite community; Steen Miles, WXIA Channel 11 news anchor and Dekalb County CEO candidate; Rev. Gerald L. Durley, pastor of Providence Missionary Baptist Church; Bill Scott, president of the Atlanta Million Man March LOC; a representative of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification; Rev. Markel Hutchins and Renee McDade, international spokesperson of the Holy Tabernacle Ministries

The "men and women actually heard the voice of the Messenger (the Hon. Elijah Muhammad). I need them because I am not a witness, but I�m going to ask them if they would say whether or not they agree with something I am going to share. But the Minster said when the Messenger spoke the change in one�s life was instant. I would like to know if there�s a witness to this tonight?" she asked.

Raised hands were met by a thunderous round of applause. "Now you saw the witnesses," Min. Ava continued. "The Minister said, �you didn�t need drug rehab after you heard the Messenger�s teachings. You didn�t need weight control pills and Slimfast and these things to help you. You stopped using drugs; you stopped smoking; you started eating one meal a day and one meal every other day; you put down the swine flesh�instantly�people did this."

The earth moves in L.A.

Despite tremors from a 2.46 earthquake on the 7.0 Richter scale, Muslims, Christians, and a host of community leaders and residents convened at Muhammad Mosque No. 27.

High-spirited believers and guests journeyed from cities as far as Denver, Colorado to join in the day�s activities that included prayer, a harp serenade, atonement, fellowship, a unity Final Call push, a Friends of Farrakhan Drive, a Nation 1 Communications presentation, and most memorable and anticipated � words and then video of Min. Farrakhan.

Min. Aisha Muhammad said that it was no coincidence that an earthquake hit. "It is truly a blessing to be here at this moment. It is certainly a sign of God�s mercy because we had just a touch, a sign of what could have been this morning. It could have been all over in the twinkling of an eye. While we still have a chance, we must use this window of opportunity to atone," she said.

Western Regional Representative Tony Muhammad had the crowd roaring as he lifted up the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Min. Farrakhan, painting verbal visions their lives of righteousness as examples for the world. "This is the foundation that we are standing on today," he said. Then, he continued, "There is no exclusivity anymore because what is good for Jews, Muslims, Christians is good for the whole human family."

Seven members of the Nation of Islam�s Study Group from Taft Prison in Taft, California�led by Asst. Min. Charles Muhammad, who heads the Western Regional Prison Ministry�attended the Holy Day program.

Escorted by Taft Chaplain Travis Hendricks were Deon X, Deon Muhammad, Tyler X, Anthony X, Tony X, and processing Bros. Joseph and Xavier. The small entourage was neatly dressed in pressed khaki and gray uniforms with glistening boots. Beyond a union with others who believe as they do, some were briefly reunited with loved ones, such as Deon X, whose grandmother, 76-year-old Essie Londo, who came to Muhammad Mosque No. 27 to see him and hear the lecture.

"It was a blessing to be here and to hear the plan of the families coming together and the spirit of atonement and recognizing that it�s more then just the spirit of the Million Man March, but the spirit of God reconciling all of our families�Hebrew, Muslim, Christian, nationalists, and so on," said Rev. Louis James, of Damascus Road A.M.E. Church.

Despite storms that battered the Miami area, the Day of Atonement was sunny and gorgeous, said Min. Rasul Muhammad, who oversees the Nation of Islam�s Seventh Region. "Despite Hurricane Irene, I am happy to state that we had car loads and bus loads of people who came from as far as Pensacola, the furthest city in Florida. Also representatives from the island of Bermuda, the Virgin Islands, St. Croix and Trinidad came. We honored many of the pioneering Muslims," he said. The mosque, which holds 400 people, was packed, he added.

The highlight of the day for a crowd packed into Hannah Hall Auditorium, on the campus of Texas Southern University in Houston, was a telephone call from Min. Farrakhan. "You cannot mention the Bible without Jesus, the Torah without Moses, the Qur�an without Muhammad�and you cannot mention the Million Man March without mentioning the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan," said Min. Robert Muhammad, southwest regional representative of the Nation of Islam.

Photos: 1-Audience watches video tribute to Min. Farrakhan and keynote remarks were given by Min. Ishmael Muhammad, insert, at Mosque Maryam gathering for the Day of Atonement; 2-Min. Benjamin Muhammad speaks in Harlem; 3-Nation of Islam's Taft Prison Study Group pose with Prison Chaplain Travis Hendrix and Min. Tony Muhammad.

(Toure Muhammad and Abisayo Ositelu in Chicago; Corey Muhammad and Michael Muhammad in New York; Nisa Islam Muhammad in Washington, D.C., Stacey L. Muhammad in Houston , Donna Muhammad and Joy Muhammad in Atlanta and Charlene Muhammad in Los Angeles contributed to this report.)


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