The Nation of Islam
New York Post
The motive for trying to destroy Min. Farrakhan
by Jabril Muhammad
the 13th paragraph of Minister Ava Muhammad's affidavit is the following:
"While he professes to be a widely-known activist, Mr. Squadron expressed fear because (I) made mention of his firm at meeting of Muhammad Mosque, Number 7, in New York on September 24, 1994. Is Mr. Squadron suggesting that we are not allowed to state his name? (My) name and photograph appeared in several New York newspapers (including the Post), the day after this suit was filed. (I have) a right and a duty to identify the parties and their counsel in the course of informing the Nation of Islam and its supporters of the progress of the action. The Nation of Islam is party to this lawsuit, and its members have an absolute right to be informed of every aspect of this case. (I) also (have) the right to express opinions about this litigation which differ from those of Mr. Squadron."
(The italics are mine.)
She continued in the next paragraph: "Mr. Squadron objects to issues (I) raised as a Minister in the Nation of Islam. Mr. Squadron is obviously angry and outraged that there are persons who are capable of articulating the pain and suffering of Black people in this country. Mr. Squadron is apparently one of those individuals who wants to ignore the reality that every member of the human family has suffered at some point in its history on this planet. He believes that no one but the people whose interest he represents is worthy of recognition. Plaintiffs have a right to work toward the upliftment of 40 million descendants of slaves in this country, just as Mr. Squadron has a right to work on behalf of his people. An honest, forthright exhibit would have included Minister Farrakhan's oft-repeated declaration that responsibility for the slave trade and the institution itself rests with Caucasians, Jews, Arabs, and Black people. Plaintiffs take exception to Mr. Squadron's self-assumed powers of judgment in labeling legitimate criticisms of Jewish leadership as 'anti-Semitic.'
Those words are clear enough. She went on in paragraph #15 :
"Mr. Squadron's charge against (me) ... is false and patently absurd. Again, he seeks to impose his perception of reality on the Plaintiffs and the Court. The Nation of Islam has never, since its beginning in this country, preached or practiced violence. Its members are forbidden to carry weapons, its supporters are encouraged to adopt its policies in this regard. The Nation of Islam follows the Holy Quran which forbids acts of aggression. Any member or person claiming to be a member who preaches or practices any act of violence will be penalized with removal from the Nation of Islam."
Minister Muhammad then stated that she has witnessed over a decade "of unrelenting attacks on Minister Farrakhan" and made clear her view that the motive for these attacks were to "destroy Minister Farrakhan" and "to silence the voice of protest which cries out against the extreme economic, political, and social imbalance that exists in this country."
She continued: "The danger in false charges such as those written by Mr. Squadron is that they fuel false rumors such as the one that was carried by the media at the time of the Oklahoma bombing that the Nation of Islam was responsible. Plaintiffs affiliate mosques around the country received death threats immediately. Yet, it was not a Muslim, but an American war hero, who was taken into custody."
Let us stop and think. These words are being directed at followers of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Suppose members of your Mosque and of your personal family were killed by those who believed that we had something to do with the Oklahoma bombing? Imagine this. Take a moment and really give this some thought.
How would you feel and how would your life be from that time up until now? Slander and libel has often meant and can mean death--the death of the innocent or of those who might or would have become better persons were it not for slander and libel.
To the white and Black spreaders of that set of lies: not if, but since there is a God, Who is intensely interested in our affairs, what has been His reaction to your lies on us? What will He do about this?
Sister Ava Muhammad went on to write in paragraph #16 that "The Squadron affidavit alleges that 'Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam have largely gained prominence through their virulently anti-Semitic rhetoric.' As proof of this allegation, he offers so-called 'research' from the Anti-Defamation League, which has already been identified in paragraph 12 of this affirmation. Minister Farrakhan easily draws audiences of 30,000 or more people in arenas throughout the country. His followers, supporters and admirers represent the full spectrum of spiritual, intellectual and political thought. Thus, Mr. Squadron has summarily condemned a large segment of the Black population and an increasing number of Hispanic and Caucasian people as 'anti-Semitic,' because they place value in Minister Farrakhan s message.
Plaintiffs submit a copy of Minister Farrakhan s book A Torchlight for America as Exhibit B, in opposition to the Defendants 'cut-and-paste' presentation of Plaintiffs 40 years of work, and respectfully request this Court to read the book in its entirety."
Did the judge read this book? If not, why not? If so, what was her reaction?
Minister Muhammad continued in #17 with: "The Squadron affidavit further alleges that the Nation of Islam 'authored' a book entitled The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, 'which falsely charges the Jewish people with various crimes against the black people, including financing the slave trade.' Mr. Squadron anoints Henry Louis Gates with the term 'respected', because Mr. Gates has opinions which support Mr. Squadron's attitudes and beliefs. Both Mr. Squadron and Mr. Gates should read the book.
It was not authored by the Nation of Islam. This book is a compilation of research conducted by Jewish scholars. Mr. Squadron apparently considers these scholars 'anti-Semitic'. The book is submitted to the Court as Exhibit C."
Has Mr. Gates read this book? Has Mr. Squadron read this book? If not, why not?
She neared the end of this writing in paragraphs #18 and #19 with: "While Plaintiffs were compelled to respond to the false assertions made by Mr. Jackson and Mr. Squadron, the issues defense counsel have raised are beyond the scope of this litigation. Nothing they have submitted provides the Court with any basis to grant their motion. Plaintiffs accompanying memorandum of law supports the Court's power and discretion to issue the order in question demonstrates that the order was reasonable in light of the extraordinary circumstances surrounding this case.
(19) For the reasons set forth above, the Plaintiffs respectfully request that this Court (a) deny Defendants motion in its entirety and order defendants to proceed with the deposition Defendants have moved and argued for, (b) instruct Mr. Squadron to withdraw from participation in the deposition because an overwhelming bias toward plaintiffs attorneys has rendered him completely incapable of providing his clients with effective counsel.
But the judge gave those who openly and clearly slandered and libeled the Honorable Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam and others what they sought: a dismissal of our totally justified case against them.
Since that time the lawyers for the Honorable Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam have filed an appeal to a higher court.
A few days before the wicked and libelous material, which was published in the New York Post hit the newsstands of New York City, Minister Farrakhan wrote an article in The Final Call on the subject of anti-Semitism.
Part of what he wrote was: "I am not now, nor have I ever been, anti-Semitic. I denounce anti-Semitism in all forms and manifestations. I denounce racism in all forms and manifestations. However, let me be very clear. The true definition of anti-Semitism must be studied. 'Anti' means against. "Semitic" is referring to those people who originated in the Middle East area of the earth with an African-Asian culture and language. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) places a narrow meaning on the word anti-Semitic which misleads the world into thinking that this term applies exclusively to Jews."
More next issue, Allah willing.
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