The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 05-28-2002
Each Believer must bear witness to the Gospel
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Farrakhan The Traveler by Jabril Muhammad

One day, in May 1961, here in Phoenix, Arizona, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told Minister (Abdul) Allah and I, what would make Muhammad Speaks a great newspaper. He said these essentials were his articles of truth; witnesses to the truth he was teaching; the way we would report the news, both nationally and internationally; the way we would report the activities and progress of his followers around the country and elsewhere. Of course the content was also an essential.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad wanted each page in Muhammad Speaks to impact the reader in such a way that would lead, directly or indirectly, by big or small steps towards an improved understanding of higher realities and the salvation of all.

Now, we have The Final Call, which was the title of the first newspaper the Honorable Elijah Muhammad published in the early 1930s. Its founding publisher, of course, is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

It ought to be obvious to all that it�s 100 percent appropriate that the articles of Minister Farrakhan appear in the centerfold of The Final Call, with the article of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad appearing where it does, as the base and support of the Minister�s teachings and work.

Both newspapers were/are the best newspapers on earth, in my view. The basis of my view, is the fact that the core of both newspapers was/is the fact that each contains the "gospel." The "gospel" was and is being published by means of each newspaper and was/is contained in the articles by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan.

If you will use a Bible concordance and look up the word "publish" and closely related words, you�ll find that prophets of Allah "published" the word He revealed to them, as a means of getting His truth to the people.

Each Believer is obligated to bear witness to the "gospel" in whatever way each one can and that witness must be appropriate. Furthermore, it�s in the nature of a Believer in God�s truths that they work hard to help the one who bears the weight of getting His truth to the people. That is the way it was with the Believers in the truth God revealed to His prophets. That is the way it is today with the Believers in the two men, the Moses and the Aaron of these times.

Prior to 1975 each one, who followed the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, bore witness in various ways. Some did this of good and others did that of good to help. Chief among those who did good, and bore witness, in a magnificent manner, to the rightness of the character and the truthfulness of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was Minister Farrakhan.

Several years ago, prior to the fall of the Nation of Islam, Minister Farrakhan shared with me something the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told him, that came up in the course of our February the 8th interview, which is relevant to the aim of this article.

Minister Farrakhan referred to the years when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was working heavily with the business aspects of the building of the Nation. This included his buying farmland; setting up factories; and doing all of the things that would form the material aspects of the Nation, which naturally resulted from his spiritual teachings.

One day his teacher said to him, "Brother, when you�re doing this kind of work, it takes away your spirit." He continued, "When I listen to your tapes, your tapes give me spirit. And that�s why I have you teaching in the public, for as you give me spirit, you give them the same."

Let�s be very careful how we understand these words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to his prize student, Minister Farrakhan.

Let�s look into what produces the spirit of our minds, whether it�s what we call "negative" or "positive." What produces the spirit of which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke, which was/is definitely the spirit of Allah, which is always "positive?" Let�s look into the Minister�s study guides where he took up this subject of the production of "spirit."

All throughout Minister Farrakhan�s study guides, he works to guide us in our studies, to learn to think like God Himself, regardless to what confronts us; regardless to what the problem is, in our lives, that we are trying to solve.

In the interview of Minister Farrakhan, that appears at the end of the 3rd edition of "This Is The One," he stated: "I would conclude by saying this, that I heard the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say once, that two thirds of the Qur�an were for him and one third was for some other man, and I would let that other man worry about his part. Well, he said the book that the Saviour gave him was the Qur�an, but two thirds of it which deals with faith would be established before he departed. But the other third would be established under his guidance from another place in which he would be.

"He said that he was like a guided missile, that God was off in a secret place guiding him. He�s a guided man. Well now, he has grown up into that kind of power where he can be where he is and guide his man in the fulfillment of his third. So this helper doesn�t really have to worry about his part. All he needs to do is to reach up into his brain for the guidance that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad will continue to give him."

Now let�s look at this principle, which Minister Farrakhan has been teaching, especially since 1977, from another perspective. In Farrakhan: The Traveler, Vol. 16, No. 50 we read: "� whenever we are done an injustice and all appeals fail, and we finally take our case to Allah and seemingly receive no answer, what is going on? Whenever we pray to Allah for something with all of our hearts and have done all that we know to do to receive it and do not yet have what we earnestly seek, what is going on?

"Do these problems have any relation to the concept of the �expanded breast� as mentioned by Minister Farrakhan ...? Do the answers have anything to do with the concept of �heart?�

"Let us go to the first chapter of 1st Samuel, tells us that �There was a certain man from Ramathaim, a Zuphite from the hill country of Ephraim, whose name was Elkanah son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. He had two wives; one was called Hannah and the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none.�"

We read that Hannah was unable to bear children because "... the LORD had closed her womb."

Now, so we read, "because the LORD had closed her womb, the other wife, "kept provoking her in order to irritate her." And, "This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the LORD, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat."

More next issue, Allah willing.

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