The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 03-25-2002
God gives power to do the extraordinary
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Farrakhan The Traveler by Jabril Muhammad

(Editor�s Note: Below is the continuation of an interview with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan conducted by Min. Jabril Muhammad.)

Min. Louis Farrakhan: I was shocked at the statement. I knew that "am making" is the present progressive tense. So I was a work in progress and "am making," indicated that he (the Hon. Elijah Muhammad) was fixing me in a way that I could sit in his seat, in his absence, and represent him to the best of my ability to his people.

After 1985, and my experience with him, (his more-than-a-vision experience) I even more clearly understood why I didn�t have to study. Because this that I�m going to (if it is the will of Allah) bring back from my next meeting with him, is that of which it is written, no eye that has seen, no ear has heard, so no book contains it. So there�s nothing for me to study. That�s revelation.

So when he reveals it to me, if I�m worthy, I�ll reveal it to others, but there�s nothing for me to study. It�s just for me to get it in me and I believe a portion of it is already in me from my first visit with him. That�s what I think the scroll that came down that I saw, it was that he�well something was being written in me, so that even right now, although I�m not a great student of Bible and Qur�an, but I stand and speak and the Bible comes up. The Qur�an comes up. Things come up. They come out of me in a very fantastic order.

[The Minister�s study then won�t be as study is now. It will be like his teacher did after he departed.]

Brother Jabril: It sure does.

Minister Farrakhan: So others may look at me and think that I�m standing up unprepared. But I�ve been prepared and am being prepared. So, others should not imitate me. Others should not try to do what God has done to show the people, through me, that He is with my mouth, as He was with the mouth of our father, the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

I would not say to the students that you don�t have to study because in my own way, I�m always thinking, meditating, feeding my mind on words, on images, on circumstances, on events, on people. I look in my Qur�an. I look in my Bible. I look into things. So I�m constantly feeding my mind.

Brother Jabril: What we�ve covered, thus far, is directly related to what you said the other night concerning the public statement that you�re writing for Saviours� Day; for the concert specifically. The essence of what you said to me, the other night was, "I�m about to perform something that�s beyond my ability. God would have to help me." Please correlate that statement with what you�ve just outlined respecting your growth in the delivery of the word of Allah.

Minister Farrakhan: Yes. You know, as you know, I have a passion and a love for classical music, which some of our people would define as European culture. I have a passion for the violin and this is a European-made instrument.

A dear friend said, "It would have been better man if you had played the saxophone rather than a violin man." But all of the instruments that our people play have been fashioned or refashioned by the Europeans. The saxophone, the clarinet, the oboe, the flute, the base violin, the guitar�we have become masters of these European instruments, but not in the European idiom, but rather in that which came out of our culture of suffering and out of our creativity.

Well Beethoven was one of these men that influenced the whole classical and romantic period of the development of music in Europe. They credit him with being the father of this period of music.

One of the Sisters who encouraged me, who is the promoter of this music festival called "Gateways," where I first performed the Mendelssohn, with Maestro Michael Morgan and the tri-city members of the tri-city symphony, (Armenta) said to me, "I don�t want to hear you play Mendelssohn or Brook or European composers, I want to hear you do Beethoven." So she put me on Beethoven.

Later my teacher (Mrs. Foreman) suggested it to me. But she also told me, "It�s such a deep spiritual piece that your people may not like it, like they would like the Brook or the Mendelssohn because of the bombast, the different dynamics of these things," but Beethoven came at it so different.

I did not realize the difficulty of playing the Beethoven violin concerto. The difficulty is in its simplicity. It�s like asking a person freehand, to draw a straight line perfectly. That�s the difficulty. It appears that you should be able to do that. But try it. Well, that�s Beethoven.

So the more I got into the music I began to see that the playing of Beethoven was far beyond my years of training and study; far beyond the foundation that I had in music.

You have to be at a certain foundational level to attempt to play certain pieces in the classical genre. I guess that�s the right word. But now I�ve jumped into Mr. Beethoven. The more I played him, the more I saw that something was lacking in my foundation that prevented me to really express this man as wonderfully as I would like too.

So I said, I have accepted the challenge to do something far beyond my ability. When one attempts to do something, far beyond the limitations of one�s ability, if one is sincere and humble enough to recognize that, that person must seek the help of God. The scholars say, "He took ordinary people, but with their reliance on God and following the discipline of Jesus, ordinary people were allowed to do extraordinary things."

Well that principle applies in everything. So I am an ordinary person with the violin; maybe even less than ordinary, because I have not given myself to that study, with the diligence of a virtuoso, or the diligence of a professional, or a diligence of somebody who has made this their life�s devotion. But I wanted to do it.

I knew that I had to do my part. My part was to practice; to give it the time that it would require; to learn as much as I could about that piece; about the state of mind of Beethoven when he wrote it, so that every nuance in the piece could mean something; so that I might be able to interpret his soul.

Well the more I did this the more I realized that, "Boy, do I need the help of God to do this." The more I struggled with my inefficiencies, the more I relied and cried out to Allah, to please help me.

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to me, "That when Allah created the heavens and the earth from nothing He destroyed the impossible."

More next issue, Allah willing.


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