The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 04-16-2002
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah

Voluntary Gifts
Cultural Links background story - Part IV
by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"They ask thee about voluntary gifts. Say: Voluntary gifts are for Allah and the Messenger. So keep your duty to Allah and set aright your differences, and obey Allah and His Messenger, if you are believers." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 8, verse 1

In preparation for our next edition of Cultural Links, I flew into Phoenix to attend one of the last remaining days of a special art exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum on the Secret World of the Forbidden City, Splendors from China�s Imperial Palace. Our staff from Phoenix arranged an interview for me with the main curator of the exhibit, Dr. Janet Baker. She received a small group of us in her office at the Museum and was very open to discussion, and answered all our questions about the exhibit. She admiringly received a copy of our second printing of Cultural Links and told us briefly of her own travels to Northern China, in particular, Tibet and the Al-Tai Republic, which is a feature story in our current edition.

So often we get verification of the direction we are going from people and places we least expect. Nothing happens by chance. All of our life�s chronicles about ourselves are written in a book, teaches the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Whether we look for it or not, we are the inheritors of the Book. As the Holy Qur�an reiterates, it leaves out neither a small detail nor a large one, all is carefully preserved and defined in a record written about ourselves; as we were conceived in our mother�s womb.

The publication of Cultural Links was produced through the efforts of many as a partial fulfillment of the meaning of Voluntary Gifts, which began to manifest in this form in the latter part of the year 2001. Within a few weeks of my return from the journey to the Al-Tai Republic at the end of August, and towards the middle of October, I began the preparation for the current magazine style in the city of Phoenix with the help of the M.G.T. staff and one brother, Graphic Artist and Designer of the Crystal Light Logo, Hamza Muhammad,with the hopes to finalize printing in time for our Saviours� Day Event in Los Angeles and Chicago.

Because of the intensity of the experience, which I have recorded in the previous three articles covering the background story of the Cultural Links publication, I have established the Crystal Light Project working in conjunction with the Carlos Diaz Experience and The Ships of Light. This also includes more enlightening discussions to come focusing on the Vision-like Experience of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in the Mexican Village of Tepotzlan. The above experiences will involve a global outreach Educational Program in which all of us are welcomed participants. The Cultural Links publication is not the normal coverage of news events. It is, moreso, a Visionary Spiritual Journey that opens up the Eye of Certainty in the Discovery of one�s true Self which transforms us into manifold worlds of Higher Spiritual Consciousness where Time is limitless and Eternal.

Finally, I sincerely apologize for all errors that appeared in the first and second printing of our News Journal. Please overlook these errors and accept the grand purpose to which it aspires. We expect to have a deluxe edition in a third more perfect printing available in May and June for further community outreach and for historical reasons. We are preparing our New Story for publication for the July, August and September issue. We thank you for your generous support and donations to The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Educational Foundation received through the first publication of Cultural Links. Your Voluntary Gifts to this Cause will mightily increase our Success as a Nation and as a People on the Rise in the New Millennium!

"They only are believers whose hearts are full of fear when Allah is mentioned, and when His messages are recited to them they increase them in faith, and in their Lord do they trust, Those who keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 8, verses 2&3

To be continued.

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