The Final Call Online Edition


WEB POSTED 02-20-2001
The Cultural Revolution Begins

In Search of the Messiah
The Study of The Theology of
Time and the Art of Telepathy

by Mother Tynetta Muhammad

Previous Column

"I, Allah, am the Seer. A Book, whose verses are characterized by wisdom, then they are made plain, from One Wise, Aware: That you should serve none but Allah. Surely I am to you from Him a warner and a giver of good news."
�Holy Qur�an, Surah 11: 1-2

In this current series on the Art of Telepathy and the Theology of Time as taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we have been discussing the properties that make up Time, and its relevance to Thought and the thinking process, and its use by Divine Law in the Recording of Histories as they have been preserved in the Divine Scriptures of both Bible and Holy Qur�an. The timing frequency of Our Asiatic Calendar System is brought about by measurements taken from the circumference of our Earth�s rotating sphere which is approximately 25,000 miles. Measurements taken at the Earth�s axis tilt to the poles at 23 and 1/2 degrees are also used in exacting the precise number of Scientists that are used in doing the writing of these histories that last for the duration of a 25,000 year cycle before they are renewed for another 25,000 year cycle.

The 24th Scientist sits in the Council as the Judge of the Writings of the 23. We also spoke of a Telepathic Science of reading the thoughts of Earth�s population that is also employed in the recorded writings. The average thought has been calculated and given to us to study in the students Lesson Assignment as 24 billion miles per second. Here again, one might recognize the correlation between these figures and the circle of the 24 Scientists as well as a given time measurement of 24 hours in a day, multiplied by 60 minutes, equaling 1,440 minutes times 60 seconds equaling 86,400. In all these figures with the addition of zeroes, we come up with important figures known in Biblical Prophecy and in Astronomy, such as 144,000 and 864,000 miles, which is sometimes used by some mathematicians as the Diameter of the Sun for certain calculations.

With the dawning of the Millennium, known as the Scientific Age of Discovery, I wish for our readers to understand that the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad have always been Scientifically and Mathematically precise from its conception and the world is only now beginning to catch up. More and more evidence will continue to surface concerning the Divine Man, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and his Master Teacher, W. Fard Muhammad, that will put us in the forefront of this New Technological and Scientific Age.

According to our Present Chronological Calendar Time as revealed in our Lesson�s Record, in the year 1933, we had 9,080 more years remaining in our present 25,000 year cycle. Subtracting 80 of those remaining years counting from 1933, we would come to the year 2013, a date which corresponds to the time in the Mayan Calendar when a New Age will usher in a shift of Spiritual Consciousness on our Planet that will give birth to the 6th Sun or World which is recorded throughout all the Prophetic Calendar Systems in use in Meso-American Cultures today. It is fascinating to know that in the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Aboriginal peoples known as Indians are also Members of our Original Nation coming from a long line of descent from both Mother Africa and Asia to the Isles of the Pacific, and will be joined back together as One.

In our study of the Mayan Calendar Numerical System, derived from the Olmec Culture, of African Origin, we will note that their cycles of measured time are also derived from a 25,000 to 26,000 Astronomical Cycle�known as the Great Year reckoned by the Precession of the Equinoxes. It is this astronomical year that is used by the ancient Mayan to record their prophetic histories every 5,200 years. According to their system, these have been five worlds or Baktun cycles out of this 26,000 year period. The fifth Sun or World began in the year 3113 B.C. and will end according to the Gregorian calendar dates 2012 or more precisely 2013 A.D. This date comes through early research of Jose and Lloydine Arguelles in their study of the Mayan Calendar and the law of time with its transition into the 13 Moon Calendar of 28 days.

From all the above said, it could hardly be a coincidence that Our Asiatic Calendar Time Line, minus 80 years figures into the countdown of the old world going out and the new world coming with a calendar change equal to that of the ancient People of Meso-America, whose roots are also Original. We can no longer deny that we are one and the same people, who have been separated from each other for centuries and even thousands of years. Only with the Coming of Master Fard Muhammad and His Revealing of The Supreme Wisdom are we now being United, Tribe by Tribe and Nation by Nation, to learn the Truth about ourselves as We Reclaim Our Own.

"And He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods; and His Throne of Power is ever on water that He might manifest (the good qualities in) you whoever of you is best in deeds. And if thou sayest, You shall surely be raised after death, those who disbelieve say: This is nothing but clear deceit." �Holy Qur�an, Surah 11, verse 7

To be continued.



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